part 3

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"where am i " i said as i slightly opened my eyes ,i could have hardly saw anything since my eye sight was all blurry . i heard all sort of noises : people crying , machines beeping and even people talking .i then heard a familiar voice "are you ok? " that sounded like Lhea and my eyes finally settled to see Lhea sitting there at the end of the bed . "where am i " i repeated . "you are at the hospital" she replied." "you fainted on your way to the bathroom ." i then instantly remembered everything that took place and tears started to run down my face . " its ok Jay Rhea wont be coming back in that house to trouble you . you are safe now " Lhea said trying to comfort me." i then raised up from the bed and hugged her tightly .we were then interrupted by a tall guy with hazel eyes and brown curly hair who held a clibpoard in his arms . i think he was the doctor . " you are fully recovered now Jarel you can go home now "he said with a smile on his face. i then watched him and smiled . "thank you so much doctor Tiller " lhea said whiles shaking his hand . "your welcome " he replied . doctor tiller stood by the bed watching us walk off i turned around to wave and noticed he was starring down my sisters a$$ licking his lips .i didnt bother to wave ." why do men do does things "i questioned myself.

lhea and i were walking home since we didnt live far . i stopped her and asked her " why did Rhea choose to do me dat ?" "i really dont know but she wont be back "replied Lhea. " how do u no she wont be back " i shouted back at her an she told me to calm down . "everything will not be ok bcuzz every since mummy and daddy died thats all u ever said . and alot of bad things happen to me . "i angrily snapped back at her . " jay you just need to relax " " no i wont because every time i listen to u something bad happens . " " just leave me alone Lhea " were the last words i said to here before running off. she tried to run behind me but got tired after a while and gave up . after all that running i got tired and decided to take a rest outside of this building i had never seen before . I think it was a club because it had extremely loud music , flashing lights coming from the inside and i smelled the liquor in the air . i even saw some ladies wearing short tight fitted clothing that showed to much cleavage and revealed their privates . that wasnt a pleasant sight . after watching my surroundings i fell asleep.

i did this chapter very quickly but i hope it was still good. sorry for any mistakes i didnt edit



♥plz feel free to suggest any ideas cuz i need help with this book

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