Why should I be nice

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Scarlett woke up rubbing her eyes. She looked around the room and saw the bat leaning against the two boxes like it was never touched." A dream. It was just a dream." Scarlett said to herself. "What was just a dream?" Lucas said popping out of the wall. " AAAHHH!, don't do that to me." "Do what?" "Jumping out, giving me a heart attack. Are you trying to kill me?" Scarlett got out of bed and started looking for what to wear," Uh, no. I don't think so" Lucas said in confusion. Lucas followed Scarlett to the bathroom Scarlett stopped him at the door, "Do you mind?" she said slamming the door. Lucas's face turned red and he waited for her by the front door he looked out the window and saw the bus go passed her house." You missed the bus!" he yelled at her. "Like I do everyday!" she yelled from up stairs. " Who are you talking to Scarlett?" her dad asked. Scarlett was confused," Uh, no one?" she ran down stairs picking up her book bag that was filled with her incomplete homework. "How can they not see you?" Scarlett asked pulling up her bike on the ground. "I'm your guardian angel, only you can see and hear me. You know you really should bring an umbrella." "I think ill be fine the weather reported light showers." "Okay but don't say I didn't tell you so." Scarlett peddled to school and parked her bike behind a tree. Scarlett sighed and looked at Lucas. " Its going to be fine." Lucas said trying to make Scarlett feel less worried, but it didn't help. Scarlett walked throw the hallway to get to her class room, while Lucas followed behind he would wave of smile at some one. " I thought no one can see you." Scarlett  whispered." Well your right. But everyone has they guardian angel. I can see them, you can't." Scarlett just rolled her eyes and continued walking. As class was going on Scarlett would look at Jacob, who was two seats, and from the right of her. She would look at his book bag and see the football pins and his jersey number what would be perfectly placed next to each pocket. She would then look at Marie who was sitting next to Jacob, and watch her flip her hair and stare at Jacob, with her blue eyes that Scarlett dreamed of stabbing a pencil in, just to see if her eyes would still be that pretty. "Shouldn't you be paying attention. " Lucas asked, covering his mouth with is index finger reminding her that she shouldn't talk back to him. Scarlett sighed and watched the teacher talk about the periodic elements and how they were arranged. What could be less interesting? After an hour passed, Scarlett went to math, then language arts, then social studies. After her classes she went to lunch, she never ate anything she always hated the food. but she had money in her account in case of emergencies. "get some food" Lucas told her." Why I wont eat it." "You're not eating it, just get some you'll see." Scarlett rolled her eyes and got a cheese burger and a fruit cup, as soon as she walked out of the lunch line she saw a girl sitting out side the cafeteria counting a couple coins, with only two dollars in her hand, a cheese burger at the school was 3.50 and the girl obviously didn't have enough money. Scarlett looked at her than looked at Lucas, Lucas smiled and Scarlett looked back at her. After a moment of feeling sorry for her she looked back at her tray full of food and threw it away the second the girl looked at her. " Why the hell would you do that?" Lucas asked her as Scarlett walked out side to the football field. " Why should I give her my food. I paid for it and what do I get out of it?" "Well you didn't have to throw food away in front of her, she doesn't have the money for a single burger!" Scarlett started to get angry and started to yell "Well that's not my problem is it. Why do I have to give her food? That girl never did any thing for me, so what's the point?!?" Lucas was usually able to know why Scarlett did the things she did, but this time he couldn't "The point of being nice, is just to make others happy, you just cant be that mean your whole life!" "oh ya? where dose it say I have to be nice, Lucas? where dose it say I can only take what I'm given? Why should I be nice for someone else's sake? How about you be her guardian, I don't need one." Lucas just stood there motionless for a minute, " She has a guardian, but you obviously need more help than her." Scarlett took a breath to calm down as Lucas disappeared.

  When Scarlett was younger and still in elementary school, she was always nice to others hoping to make friends. She would even stay up late making her own cookies so she could give them out. But no matter what she would do people would take advantage of her and still be horrible to her. No matter what you do on this earth, evil will still exist in it. When school was over the sky filled with dark clouds and it started to pour down rain. As Scarlett rode her bike in the rain, Lucas appeared, but she just ignored him. His job is to protect her, not make her Princess Diana. "How did you become my guardian?" Scarlett asked Lucas. Lucas was relived that she was speaking to him again. " I wanted to protect others in my life, but since it was cut short I was blessed with this job." "I didn't know you actually lived a life. I thought God just made guardians," Scarlett somehow liked talking about what happened up there it was better than knowing what happened on earth. " It usually works like that but my case was different. My guardian failed me and demons made me kill my self." Lucas looked down " Even though she tried to protect me she was still punished." Lucas looked up to see Scarlett soaking wet, they where almost home anyway.
When Scarlett got home she took a shower and changed clothes, Her parents were not fighting for once they were just talking, but Scarlett didn't think much about it. "Can you tell me about her?" Scarlett asked Lucas as she was drying her hair with a towel. " About who?" "Your guardian, who was she, what was she like?" Lucas smiled, he liked the idea of talking about her. "Willow. Her name was Willow."  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2016 ⏰

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