Talking with Ezylryb

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Griffin looked at him amazed "you're the author Of the Chronicle Of The Battle Of The Ice Claws".

"Yes I am" he said with one eye open and the other half shut.

"What happened to your eye"?

"Pure ones" he said as we started walking.

"Really the Pure Ones did that" I said puzzled.

"Well two in particular" he said with a deep sigh.

"Which ones"?

"Well after Soren became a Guardian we had to fight them again".

"What happened".

"Metalbeak and Nyra ambushed me".

"What happened that made you and Metal Beak start fighting".

"Well it was during the Battle Of The Ice Claws Metal Beak cut off one of my talons but what he didn't expect was that his beak was coming off that day".

"Wait your Lyze of Kiel" I said running up to him.

"Yes I am" he said.

"But why go by Ezylryb"?

"Well because Lyze of Kiel was my war name and you never want to remember what happens in war and plus that is in my past and being a Guardian you have to focus on what lies ahead".

Griffin looked at him and nodded his head.

"Well what do we have here a bald eagle we've never had a bald eagle here before".

"Well my parents were big fans of the Guardians".

"What were your parents names"? Ezylryb asked stopping in front of the training hall.

"Streak and Zan" he said puffing out his chest "but my mother couldn't talk all that well".

"What do you mean couldn't talk all that well all birds can talk" I told him.

"Not her" he said looking down.

"What happened boy"? Ezylryb asked.

"She tried saving one of Hortenses eggs from Jutt and Jatt but in the process she got her tongue cut off".

"Well boy your parents would make great Guardians".

"Thanks sir but they are free flyers".

"What are free flyers"? I asked.

Ezylryb then looked over at me and said "they are birds who aren't Guardians but they patrol areas and rescue stolen eggs and fight off Pure Ones and Hagsfiends".

"Enough talking we need to get you trained and ready for battle".

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