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           Recap: Prophecy got told here it is.
Here lies your fate,  At deaths gate. You and one are guardians of the doors, where your blood stains the floors.
  A blessing from love, wings like a dove. Yet all is not right, you must keep back the night.
   You shall find friendship were you least expect it to come. Yet if you fail all you love shall perish, if you succeed you may go back to what you cherish.
   Yet that is not all I have to say, it all starts this day. You will gain powers from love and death, you have to keep Artemis from taking the last breath.
   Stay strong son of Hades and help  the boy called Fowl.
  Wings of black, faith neither of you lack. Soon in death you shall reap, the one who put your friend in internal sleep.
     When everyone was seated in the big houses meeting room every looked at Rachel wondering if she remembered what she had said.
     "Okay, First off I need to know if you have any memories of the prophecy that you just gave Rachel?"
    "No sir what prophecy?"
    " Okay while someone tells her it I need to know has anyone here heard part of that prophecy before?" Slowly Nico raised his hand, he was the only one. "When and how Nico?"
  He took a deep breath and began." I was ten when I began to get the night mares. Someone always delivered the first part of it. "
   Chiron nodded. " Ok so we need to figure out this prophecy. It might help. Yet remember they always seem to have double meanings."
    Rachel looked up." My biggest concern is that line that goes, you have to keep Artemis from taking the last breath. If she's an immortal goddess then how will she be able to take her last breath?"
    "Yes that line is confusing, yet what about the doors of death it had to be talking about? We closed them. So how will someone have to guard them?" Annabeth asked.
   "And the line about blessings from death and love? What does that even mean?" Piper asked.
   Percy said." And the repeatedly mentioned death? Nobody but me notices that?"
    Nico sighed as everyone voiced there concerns and what they thought about this prophecy. They just don't get it he thought. This is my quest not there's. Then what someone said got his attention.
   " What did it mean when it said stay strong son of Hades. It can't mean my brother can it?" Hazel asked worriedly.
"I'm afraid it does Hazel. He was the only person to have herd this prophecy before. " Chiron said quietly.
    Every body looked at Nico. He shifted uncomfortably, he didn't like people staring at him.
    "So do you know what some of it means? Any of it?" Jason asked him.
    Nico could only nod. "What?" Percy asked him.
   "The wings of black part." He said softly so nobody would hear him. Yet they heard.
    Every one was silent waiting for him to tell them yet he said nothing."Well what does it mean?" Reyna demanded.
    He sighed, and shook his head no.
He wouldn't tell them, he couldn't tell them about the wings carved into his back. He didn't want them, they just appeared one day. To him they were ugly reminders of what a freak he was.
  Thalia glared at him" Speak up Death boy we don't have all day." Again he shook his head no, he should have just kept quiet.
     "I think that Mr.Di'Angelo would be more comfortable telling us if you stop screaming at him and let him take his time." Chiron said to them.
     He didn't want to tell them. It hurt to even think about it. "I, well umm I figured that part out years ago. Oh and umm The Artemis isn't the goddess Artemis." He looked down at his lap.
     "What do you mean not the goddess Artemis? Do you mean like a teenager is named after her?" Thalia asked. Nico nodded.
     "Yeah, umm I don't know about a lot of it yet the prophecy talks about me guarding the doors of death, yet umm not our doors of death. The ones in that Artemis's world." Nico felt weird talking in front of everyone like this yet he had to.
     " What do you mean in Artemis's World?" Annabeth questioned.
      Nico ducked his head, before shrugging. "How am I supposed to know? That was all of the information given to me."
       "Well" Percy began "it looks like we have the next great prophecy on our hands."
     There was was not one happy face in the room.
Next chapie is our favorite mudboys chapter.
Bye for now.
Loves blue out

Nico Di Angelo's wings: Book 1 of Different  Heroes series.Where stories live. Discover now