Chapter 8: The Devil's Embarrassment

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Recap: Apart from my racing heart and the feeling of his lips on me, it felt so surreal, as if I was dreaming. A quite steamy dream.

Going to bed that night, an odd feeling kept nagging at the back of my mind. It felt all too easy, the way he left so quickly and willingly, didn't even put up a fight, after everything he did, made me slightly worried.

Closing my eyes, I drew in deep breaths, forcing my mind to rest, sending a small prayer that nothing and will happen tomorrow.


A loud honk sounded from outside of the house. Quickly shoving the last spoon of oatmeal in my mouth, I dumped the bowl in the sink and grabbed my backpack, mumbling out a goodbye and rushed through the door. With my cheeks still puffed up like a chipmunk, I waved to Elliot with a large smile and sat in his car.

He only raised his eyebrows at me. I shrugged. "Bewkast."

"What?" He laughed, pulling out of the driveway. I shook my head, working my mouth quickly to finish the food.

"Never mind. Sorry." I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. He shook his head.

"Great. Can I kiss you now?"

I shrugged, a small smile flitting onto my face. "If you'd like to." We stopped at an intersection.

Elliot turned to face me. "I'd love to." He winked, before leaning closer and placing a short kiss on my lips. The lights turned green. Cars behind us honked, and Elliot broke the kiss, pressing his foot down on the gas pedal.

"Oops." I muttered, touching my finger to my lips absentmindedly. Elliot glanced over at me, before refocusing his sights onto the roads again.

"Two more months. Two more months..." Elliot muttered.

"Huh?" I lifted an eyebrow, but Elliot brushed me off with a shake of his head. I leaned back against the seats, then realization hit me. Two more months until Elliot's birthday. Two more months until I am— Oh.

We arrived at school soon after. I did my best to pretend as if I had known nothing of what he had said. Him, well, he was just being Elliot. As soon as the car parked, a group of people surrounded us. Elliot is more social than I will ever be. And he doesn't even go to this school anymore. I hugged him goodbye, before making a beeline for my classroom. The first class was science, and we are studying chemistry. I stepped in to the classroom and sighed, slugging my bag against the table's legs, planting my butt heavily onto the dark plastic chair. Our science classroom have the funkiest tables. Square tables that are formed through a series of colorful, puzzle pieces, allowing the seating of four people, scattered around the room.

"Yo." I couldn't even be bothered to look up. I blew a piece of hair from my face. It fell back against my face. I pulled out my textbooks and laptop. Setting them on the table, I looked up to face three different expressions. Jace looked amused, Kameron looked confused, and Ben only bothered to raise his eyebrows. They are the only reason why I actually go to science, because God knows how terrible I am at this subject.

"What crawled up your ass today?" Ben asked, his eyes leaving his laptop screen once to glance up at me.

"Not your dîck that's for sure." I rolled my eyes, my chest rising to puff out air once more. The piece of hair still remained in front of my face stubbornly.

Jace barked a laugh from besides me. "Did something happen this morning?" His eyes twinkled. They are all human, which means that none of them knew about my responsibilities in the pack.

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