Chapter 2: A normal evening

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A few minutes had passed since the fight Moeru had in the town square with the thief.  He and Mitsuki were now back at their home. They lived in a small one floor house. It had two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen that wasn't too small but not too big as well as the living room.  Moeru was sitting on the couch waiting for Mitsuki who came out of the bathroom with some bandages and cotton balls.   

"Geez, you really know how to overdo things don't you?" she said as she walked up to him with an annoyed pout expression with her cheeks puffed and her eyebrows angled down a bit.

"I didn't overdo anything. I just did what was right." Moeru said looking up to her.

"Moeru you caused a fight, and if it had went even further you could've burned the town square stupid." she said putting some wound cleaner on the cotton ball.

"Its no big deal, in the end nothing got destroy- OW!!" he was cut off by her dabbing the cleaner on his scrapes on his face "That burns!!"

"Shush and let me finish." she said sternly as she dabbed his face more and used it to also clean the dirt off of him. when she finished she sighed and stood straight with her hands on her hips and her eyes closed "honestly, what am I gonna do with you..." she let out.

"Well you could make me that food you promised." he said.  Mitsuki opened one eye while still in the same position and looked down to see an innocent childish smile on his face.  Just seeing his smile made her exhale softly and giggle "I swear you're such a child." she said in a laughing tone.

"Am not." he crossed his arms and closed his eyes speaking in a somewhat bold tone "You're only slightly older than me."

she suddenly flicked his forehead "I don't mean by just age silly."

He opened one eye to see her laughing with her hand slightly covering her mouth and her eyes closed.  He as well couldn't help but to bring himself to laugh with her.

"Fine, Fine, I'll make the food so you go and take a shower, ok?" she said as she turned and walked towards the kitchen.

"Huh?" Moeru raised an eyebrow "Why do I have to go shower?" he asked in a confused tone.

she turned and teasingly closed her nose "Because you fought today and now you stink."

Moeru, irritated, went up to her with his teeth showing and an irritated expression with his eyes like giant white circles in a comedic fashion. "I do not stink!"

she turned around with a closed eyes smile but had a teasing tone, still holding her nose. "Ew, Moeru Stinky. Pee yew."

"NNNGH! Fine!" he shouted and turned around going towards the bathroom with an annoyed expression and went in and closed the door.

Mitsuki giggled softly as she went back to the kitchen and began to take out various foods.

Some time was passing now. Mitsuki was in the kitchen just finishing up all of the food she was cooking, and Moeru was still in the shower. It was now around evening time and the sky was starting to turn slightly orange signaling It was almost sunset.

"Done!" Mitsuki shouted enthusiastically and wiped her forehead off on her sleeve. At that time Moeru was coming out of the bathroom drying his hair and had on a plain white t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants "something smells really good!" he said happily as he placed his towel around his shoulders, walking towards the kitchen with a smile on his face.

"Heh took you long enough." Mitsuki said with a soft laughter and placed her hand over her mouth and spoke with a teasing tone. "Moeru, you weren't touching yourself were you?"

"Hell no!!!" he shouted at her immediately then closed his eyes exhaling.

she could only lightly smile at him and suddenly poked his forehead. "I was just playing with you. C'mon and eat. I made lots tonight!" she said turning towards the food.

He stood there for a moment with his eyes a bit widened and rubbed his forehead, then smiled lightly. "Ok!"

Time was slowly passing as they sat and ate together. there was a point where Mitsuki was laughing at a story Moeru was telling her.  Another, where she teased him over something and it irritated him. And another, where he tried to steal a piece of the various meats she had on her plate and she punched him in the forehead. It was now night and they had finally finished eating.

"Mm~! I'm full!" Mitsuki said leaning back a bit and lifting her hands above her head, stretching. she then let out a soft yawn. "Hm, seems like I'm a bit tired as well." she said rubbing her eyes gently.

"Yeah." Moeru let out a slightly louder yawn. "Me too." he laughed lightly.

Mitsuki stood up still rubbing her eyes gently and spoke in a tired, soft tone. "Hmmm~ goodnight Moeru." she suddenly came around the table and bent over slightly hugging him around his shoulders playfully but also tired. "At least you smell better." she said in a tired teasing voice and laughed softly.

"Sh-shut up." he said exhaling tiredly. "Why aren't you gonna shower?" he said standing up and her undoing her hug.

"I can just shower tomorrow." she said as she began to walk towards the small hallway where the bathroom was the first door in front of her then on the left was Moeru's room and on the right was hers. she went right towards her door and at the same time Moeru went to his door. "Goodnight Mitsuki." he said softly as they both went into their rooms and closed their doors.

Mitsuki undressed into her underwear and crawled into her bed, immediately falling asleep the moment she laid down, and sprawled out over her bed.

At the same time Moeru to sprawled out over his bed and immediately fell asleep, snoring somewhat loud.

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