Chapter 2

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I was glad I didn't need to wait, waiting is the worst part of these appointments. I quietly knocked on the door as that is what my old counselor liked me doing. A new sigh had been put up on the door saying 'DR. S GRIGG'S'.

"Come in, please." Who I guessed was Dr. Grigg's, said. I walked in to find a extremely hansom man sat at a new wooden desk looking through what I guessed was my old file from the previous counselor. The rooms furniture was old and used when I last come here but now it was clean and new. He had put up three large potted plants around the room which gave me a homey feel. Where once sat an old ripped sofa now sat a clean back sofa with comfy looking cushions. I was that interested in the room that I forgot to say hello to Dr. Grigg's.

"Well he looks lovely!" Exclaimed Mindy. Ugh she just had to have a point of view on everything.

"Don't be gross, you know you love me really." Arthur declared. Shut up, shut up, shut up!

"Now that is gross." Mindy pointed out. This was the worst time ever for them to do this to me.

"Take a seat Catherine." Dr. Grigg's said. OMG even his voice sounded amazing. It took me awhile to realize I had just been standing there staring, so I quickly sat down trying not to do anything stupid.

"I'm Dr. Grigg's or you can call me Shane if you prefer." I still didn't say anything unsure what he wanted me to say. There was a long silence but he chose to carry on. "I've read your file and am quite interested in your point of view." Another long pause.

"I think the best thing we can do is start from fresh. I'll do my best to forget everything I have read in that file so you can tell me what you think and not what your old counselor thinks about you. How does that sound?" Oh, now he asks me a question should I nod or reply with words.

"Honey just relax he is trying to help you, don't worry so much." I was glad for Mindys point so I forgot about the voices and focused on the conversation.

"Sounds good." I put into words, they came out slightly wobbled.

"Okay since you seem a bit nervous we will make a deal. If you tell me something about you, whats going on in there." He pointed to your head. "I'll tell you something about me, if you want me to. How about you start by telling me a bit about your family or your house before you came to this boarding school."

"Okay, well I'm an only child but I'm glad about that I like being alone. Um, my parents divorced when I was little and my mum stayed single. We lived in this posh house and had all these posh party's were I had to pretend to be somebody I wasn't just so my mum still seemed posh. She was disappointed in me for the way I was and I told her it was because of the voices, this was when I was 9 years old.

"When I was 14 she sent me to this boarding school, she was so desperate to get rid of me. I've been here two years now and she paid or four years worth of appointments so she thinks I'm staying. At least by the time I've finished my last 2 years here I'll be 18 and can go move into my own house." I sighed at the though of finally being free from her. He looked at me as if he was waiting for me to blurt out to him that I could hear voices in my head but his eyes were so amazingly blue like the ocean in the Caribbean, all I could do was stare.

"Wow sounds complicated. Okay so we made a deal do you want me to tell you about myself now?" He asked, looking at my deeply as if my insides would tell him the answer. I nodded for him to continue.

"Well my parent are still together. They owned a farm, I was always driving the tractor. I left when I was 18 to go to University to study to be a psychiatrist after my sister, when she was 20, had a mental break down. I just finished my training and you are my first client." He said it without any kind of emotion showing and I instantly felt bad.

"Oh!" I gasped unsure of what to say back to that.

"Ah! Poor boy that must have been horrible for him. Maybe he is the one who needs help really." Uh how rude is she invading my private time with my therapist.

"Anyway, your 30 minute session is nearly up so I have one more question." He pause as if to see if it was okay. "It said in your report that you can hear voices in your head that arn't actually there but you claim it has gone away, is this true?" I was utterly shocked how could he be so foward and rude. I don't like people but I though he was different.

"Don't answer him he will try to get rid of us! He will put you somewhere worst than here like a hospital." Arthur shouted. He always has to shout it gives me head ache.

"You can do what ever you like honey don't listen to him."  Mindy said back calmly.

"Of course she should listen to me I'm in her head how could I not listen to her. Don't listen to her Catherine, listen to me!" I discretely pressed my hand to my forehead, to easy the tension, closed my eyes trying to black them out.

"Catherine... Catherine, can you hear me?" His voice was fading. "Can I get some help in here?!" Who was that?

"Calm down Arthur I think your giving her a head ache, then she carn't answer any questions can she. Sorry dear."

I was trying to block them out and they were slowly getting quieter. My head aches got worst and my ears started buzzing. I tried to open my eyes but they wouldn't budge. I could feel a arm wrapped around me and something cold against my back.

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