Chapter 3

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I was on my own planet.

There is no people here or technology. Only wild purple plants and multi-coloured animals. The sea is green and the sand is silver. The sky is yellow. There are no voices in my head. I woke on this planet... my planet. It wasn't the first time I had been here but it seemed nicer here that in the real world. I was lying in the silver sands with the green sea splashing up on my feet.

I sat up and looked down to see myself naked. I was always naked here. I stood and walked deeper into the sea washing the silver flecks of sand off my body. Electric blue fish swam around my legs and feet. I swam deeper into the water feeling the waves splash against my face.

All of a sudden, I had a massive head ache and I knew it was time to go home. I never got to stay here long.

"Catherine, can you hear me?" My own planet faded away, replaced with blackness. My hearing came back and all I could hear is beeping and a weird machine wailing. I tried to open my eyes but they were stuck and my limbs felt heavy.

"How long has she been out?" Came an unfamiliar woman's voice. I felt something wet dribble down my head and something pressed against it.

"About 20 minutes, she fell off the chair and hit her head her head on my desk." I know that lovely voice it was Shane or shall I say Dr Grigg's. He sounded calm but also worried.

"Okay she probably has a concussion and possible brain damage from hitting her head." She on the other hand did not seem that worried.

"Is she going to be okay?" Shane's voice made me relax and my eyes fluttered open to see a black cloud surrounding my vision. In the centre it was clear and Shane's face filled it. "Nurse she is waking up!"

"Ahh honey, that looks painful. It hurt me and Arthur too." The pain was so unbearable it was easy to block out Mindy's voice.

"Okay step back please sir. Catherine can you hear me?" I nodded but instantly regretted it, my vision blurring again."Okay keep still we are taking you to the hospital. Dr Grigg's your counsellor came with you he is right here."

I felt a squeeze on my hand and squeezed it back. Why did Shane come with me?

"It's gonna be okay Catherine." I closed my eyes wanting to go back to my own planet but Shane's voice stopped me. "Hey, don't go back sleep yet they need to make sure your head is okay."

I tried to opens my eyes and tell him I was sleepy and that I didn't need to go to the hospital but all that came out was weird gurgled noises. The vehicle pulled to a stop and the back doors opened. I was wheeled out of the, what I now knew was a ambulance and through a set of automatic doors. The paramedics started running and I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.

Green sea surrounded me and I was lying on silver sand deep at the sea bay. I was back on my own planet. 

I didn't rush to the sea's surface you didn't need to breath in this world, I swam deeper into the darkness the green turning black from lack of light. I opened my mouth to let out an laugh of joy and the sweet sea water filled my mouth and I drank it.

I couldn't hear sea sounds anymore all I could hear was shouting.

"She is not breathing properly! Code blue, get help!" This voice wasn't Shane's this time. Panic rose through me.

"Wake up Catherine if you die we die too." Arthur always thinks about him self.

Was I dying in the real world?

I rushed to the surface hoping if I breathed in my own world my body would too. I could feel something pressed around my mouth pushing air into my lung.

My own planetWhere stories live. Discover now