Underkeep! Sans X Reader Part 2

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The king strove up to me and took my hand. He kissed it like a gentleman and I wondered if he was just doing this for show.
"My king, don't you think that's a little much?" Sans said, standing next to me.
I looked around for the skull and didn't find them. I looked down in disappointment. As if on cue, I felt something press up against my back and I turned around in alarm. The skull had reappeared and I slightly cheered for the new friend. My hand had slid out of the king's to pet my new friend.
"I see, that Gaster Blaster is more important than me, hm~?" The king said.
Huh? I'm just petting the skull. Wait Gaster Blaster? What is th- oh no... I noticed what I've just done and my heart dropped to my stomach.
"I-I'm so sorry your highness! I d-didn't mean to d-disrespect you!" I said and curtsied.
"Oh Hun, you can get up, I was only teasing!" The king said.
I looked up and got in the standing position. I saw a glimpse of mischief in his eyes that worried me. What would he do to me if I really mess up?
"Don't let Sans take up your time, he's only the jester." The king declared, clearly loving being the center of attention.
"Sans is very entertaining and was fun to talk to!" I say smiling as I touch Sans' shoulder.
"..." The king seemed to be at a loss for words.
"No one had ever defied him like that, if you keep at this, he might kill you." Sans whispered in my ear.
I shivered. I observed the king and saw that he seemed, awestruck.
"I knew something was special about you! Your soul must be magnificent! Such determination!" The king gushed.
"Y-your highness... Do you mind if I could know your name?" I asked, afraid of the soul business.
"Why of course! It's Mettaton! King Mettaton!" King Mettaton announced.
That's who Papyrus was talking about!
"Well nice to be your acquaintance King Mettaton, I'm (Y/n)." I said smiling at him.
"You must be hungry, follow me." King Mettaton said, turning on his heel.
"C'mon Sans." I said softly.
The sku-er- Gaster Blaster appeared next to me and seemed to protect me. What do I need protection from? We followed the King and we made it to a royal hall. A pair of goats, which I remember were Toriel and Asgore, a dinosaur, Papyrus, Undyne, and a ghost were occupying the table. Once Papyrus noticed Sans, he avoided eye contact with him. What's up with those two? I noticed the Gaster Blaster was gone, I had already began to miss the adorable huge skull. Mettaton pulled out a chair for me and signaled for me to sit. I sat in the chair and Muffet came out with an assortment of treats. She placed each treat in front of each monster. She had finally got to me and placed a Butterscotch Cinnamon pie in front of me. I looked at Toriel and smiled at me. I mouthed a thank you. She nodded her head in return.
"(Y/n) do you know the people at this table?" Mettaton asked.
"Erm, yes your highness." I replied.
"Name them." He said cunningly.
"A-alright, Toriel, Asgore, Undyne, and Papyrus...That's all I know sir..." I said, looking a each person when I said their respective names.
"You don't know my cousin and best friend?" Mettaton asked, seeming hurt.
"N-no.." I said looking at him.
"Well that's Alphys," he said gesturing to the Dino, she smiled shyly and waved, "and that's Napstablook , my cousin"
"W-well it's nice to meet you, I'm (Y/n)." I said.
Alphys nodded and Napstablook only looked away after giving a rather weak smile. How can a robot and a ghost be cousins? Did Napstablook use to be a robot or did Mettaton used to be a ghost?
"What are you confused about Darling~?" Mettaton asked.
"If you don't mind me asking....h-how are you and Napstopblook related if your a robot and he's a ghost?" I asked.
Everyone at the table stopped any conversations they were having or dropped their forks at my question. Did I say something wrong? Did I question too much? Well they kill me now?! Mettaton laughed and looked at me.
"I used to be a ghost darling. Alphys made me this body so I could have someplace to live in." Mettaton said with a huge smile.
Napstablook looked upset and was about to cry. I got up and placed my things on the table. I walked over to Napstablook.
"What's wrong mister blooky ?" I asked.
"I don't want to talk about it.." He whispered.
"You don't want to talk about it because of the people around you huh? We can go somewhere else if it makes you feel better.." I said ignoring anyone else at the table.
He had really began to cry. I grabbed a napkin and wiped his eyes. I hummed a soft tune that my mother used to do when I was upset. Blooky sniffled and sighed.
"No this needs to be said.. Mettaton, I don't know why you couldn't stay a ghost or why you had to change yourself. Everyone doesn't see the real you, but the character you make for yourself. People would love you for who you truly are, not who you pretend to be. I loved the way you were, but I don't know who you are anymore..." Blooky said tearing up again.
I dabbed his eyes with the napkin and wished that he was okay. I looked at the table and everyone was shocked, like they never saw this before. Napstablook eventually faded into thin air.
"How did you do that?!" Mettaton shouted, rage in his eyes.
"I-I don't know! I just talked to him.." I replied.
"I want you out of this place and out of this town! I will kill you for making Blooky turn on me!" Mettaton shouted as he slammed his fist on the table as a few strands from is perfect hair fell out of place.
I had begun to panic. I was frozen in place out of fear.
"Run my child!"
"Run, kiddo!"
I kicked off my shoes and ran. I swerved through few monsters and continued to run. The skirt of my dress got snagged onto something. I heard Mettaton's angered screaming and metal feet stomping coming closer. Fear struck me like a bullet and I tugged weakly at the dress until it finally ripped, ruining the beautiful dress. I'm sorry Muffet...Two Gaster Blasters found me. Sans was on one and the other waited for me to hop on. I got on it and the Blasters went at full speed.
"Sans! Wouldn't Mettaton kill you for this!" I shouted over the wind.
Sans didn't answer, instead we made it to the ruins by a flash of light. Sans held my hand to support me when I got of the skull and swayed a little.
"You should stay here with Toriel and Asgore. They can protect you." Sans said.
"What about you Sans?! Won't Mettaton kill you for going against him?" I asked letting the tears fall.
"Don't worry about me, if I live I'll visit you every day." He said.
"Promise?" I hiccuped.
".............I'm not one for promises but for this once........I promise." He said cupping my cheeks.
"I'm glad." I said holding his hand.
Sans brought my face in and kissed me.
When he released me he said, "You are so special, you can't die on me now."
With that, Sans disappeared.
"You better keep that promise..... Break it and I will hate you a skeleton heh...only if you here to hear that one..."
I did not mean to make this into a sad fic! Ahhhh I'm so sorry! I touched the feels a little. Also, I'm terrible at action scenes. I'm so freaking bad at 'em.

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