Chapter Two

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" Good Morning students."

I don't get why we have morning news, like today is not a good morning. Today i woke up and remembered it was Thursday and creepy Carson was coming over. 

"Okay students and facility have a great day."

Like I said today is going to suck, and i completely just missed the news because I was thinking about Carson. Before I knew it the bell rang for lunch, as I sat down everyone started to talk about cheer camp that started in a month. 

"Hey Celeste ready for cheer camp?"

"Omg Lexi, yes!!"

After lunch I went to a couple of classes, then finally math. As i sat down at my desk, I saw Carson come in and head to his desk. 


"Oh hey Carson, Whats up?"

"Nothing, so u still want me to come over tonight right."

"Yes, I couldn't do it without you."

"Okay its a date."

Its a date? Omg did he think I asked him out? Does he like me?

While all these thought went through my head I sat there in shock and shook my head yes. 

**seven o'clock ** 


"Celeste your friend is here."

"Okay mom, I will be right down."

When I got down stairs, Carson was there with all his math stuff and ready to work.

"Hiya Celeste, ready to get started on out project?"

"Um.. yah lets go upstairs in my room and we can use my dest."

While we were going upstairs, I was still wondering what he meant by "its a date", like a date date or just a nice get together. Then I thought maybe we should work down stairs in the kitchen just incase he thinks its a date and won't try anything, but we were already in my room.

"  Okay Carson, you sit here and I'll sit over here."

" KK Celeste, so you wanna do the first fifty, and I will do the last fifty, and then copy?"

" Sure"

So at this point I was really confused, and I kinda figure he did NOT like me like that. 

**about thirty minutes later**

"Ok done!"

"Omg Carson, give me five more minutes."

After the five minutes he handed his paper to me, while he was giving it to me our hands touched and it felt like a shock. 

"Oh sorry Celeste did my bracelet shock you?"

"Ya its fine."

But it wasn't just the bracelet, I mean it hurt but there was more...kinda like a spark. As I looked into his eyes completely zoned out and still holding onto the paper, I  heard him say.

"So you going to take it?"

"Oh, yeah sorry."

I must be going crazy! I did not just look into his eyes and actually think he was cute. Did I? Well I will test it, when I hand the paper back then we will touch hands, if i feel the "spark" then I think he's cute, but if i don't then it was just his bracelet. 

**ten minutes later**

"Is it my turn with your paper yet?"

"Yep, just got done."

Here it is, the moment of truth. As I handed him the papers... BAMM there it was, the spark.  At first I could not believe it, but as I watched him copy the answers down I got this weird feeling, he was cute, I mean not like crazy cute, but cute. 

"Okay well its around eight I better get going, thanks for the answers."

"Ya anytime, thank you to Carson."

While I was walking him to the door, I really wanted ice cream.

"Wait Carson, you wanna go get ice cream with me?"

"Sure, why not,  I'll drive if you pay."


I did not just do that, I just asked someone out on an ice cream date, that I don't even know. In the car it was very awkward, we just kinda sat there in silence. 

" What will you guys be having tonight?" asked the lady behind the counter. 

" I want a small strawberry milkshake."

" I will take a large chocolate cone." 

He eats a lot, a large cone, I got a small but I guess thats why he wanted me to pay. After three minutes  we got our ice cream and sat down.

"So Celeste why did you ask me here?"

Well because I just figured out  you are hot as fuck, and we have a spark, and I want to make out with you face. But as much as I wanted to, I didn't say that. 

"I just wanted a shake."

After a while we were almost done and I reached to get a napkin that was by him. He swept up the napkin and made me try and reach for it, we were play fighting, and before I knew it our arms were tangled up and I still didn't have the napkin. 

" Give it to me!"


" Ugh I hate you."

"Celeste if you hated me, then you would not have asked me out, or be fighting for this napkin." 

" Whatever, I guess your okay." 

Soon as I said that he smiled, and fought me harder for the napkin and even started to tickle me. 

" Hey you to love birds, we are closing."

We both looked at he lady, and started laughing, and then left. This time in the car it was different, we sang to the radio and laughed. When we got to my house, I got out of the car and waved good bye. 

**thinking in bed after the night was over**

I should have kissed him! Next time, I am making him walk to the door and kiss me. 

I'M ONLY MYSELF WHEN I'M WITH YOUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt