Chapter Four

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I felt someone trying to wake me up, and I thought it was just my mom or little brother.

"Mom, five more minutes." 

"Its not your mom, its Carson."

What, Carson, Omg he stayed over last night. 

I sat up and looked at him and remembered I was off the cheer team and we messed up the kitchen, and the... kiss. 

"Oh, hey Carson."

"Hi, you look funny when u sleep."

I moved my face into an I hate you face and rolled my eyes. 

"Just kidding Celeste, you looked cute."

Cute!!! I just sat there and smiled. 

"What time is it?"

" I woke up around ten and I woke you up around eleven."

"Oh okay, well what do you wanna do today? My parents are coming home around one,  so we should go out somewhere." 

"Okay, Its a surprise."

"Carson, I hate surprises."

"You'll like this one, go get in the car."

I got up and went to the bathroom to change, and then went to the kitchen for a snack and I left a note for my mom, then we went to his car and turned on the radio.  


"Carson, you suck at singing, haha!" 

We pulled into and decent sized house.

"Wanna come in? I have to go change."


We went into his house, and he changed and got a skate board and a penny board.

"Hey Carson, who is your friends?"

"Hey mom, this is Celeste."

"Hi Celeste"


"So mom, we are going to hit the skate park."

"Okay have fun, love you Carson."

He opened the door and started walking to he car.

"Skate Park?!?!?! Hell no Carson."

"Calm down, it will be fine."

"I hate you!"

"No you don't."

We got in the car and drove to the skate park. We stayed in the car for about five minutes and talked. 

"I have a gift for you." 

He grabbed my arm, and tied a little bradded bracelet on my arm. He grabbed my other arm and put a "Panic at the Disco" bracelet on it. 

"Here now you will blend in here, and every time you look at them you will think of me." 


Then I hugged him, after the hug we found ourselves staring into each others eyes, like last night before the kiss.

"Okay well lets go." I said

We got out, and I looked around, there was only one other person there. 

"Were is everyone?'

"I brought you to a non popular park so you can learn."

We started walking up and he grabbed my hand. When we were almost there, he twisted me around, and I found myself staring right into his eyes,  then he then kissed me. This kiss was like the last, it was slow and sweet, I actually liked how it made me feel. 

"What was that for?" with a smile on my face.

"I don't know, because your pretty."

We both smiled and walked up to the first ramp. He showed me what to do, and I failed a lot but finally got it.



The first time I got it, I ran over and jumped into his arms and we kissed again. 

**Five O'clock ** 

We got into the car, and he started driving me home. 

"Hey, you wanna stop for fro-yo?I'll buy."

"Ya sure."

We pulled into, the parking lot and went in. I got strawberry fro-yo with hot fudge and sprinkles on top, and he got orange fro-yo with a bunch of toppings. Then we sat down at a table in the back.

"You eat weird stuff."

"No I don't, you eat weird stuff."

He put his spoon in my fro-yo and ate it.

"Hey! Thats mine."

He just sat there and laughed, so I did the same. I almost threw up because his was so nasty.

"Thats nasty!!!"

"Yours it ok."

After a while longer we were done and went back out to the car.

"So Celeste, you wanna come over for a little and watch a movie?"

"Ya sure."

We drove to his house and went inside. I looked around and his house was really nice. 

"Hey kids, what you doing?"

"Hey mom we are going to watch a movie in my room."

"Okay there is some chips on the table."

Carson walked to the kitchen and got the chips on the table, and then we went upstairs.

I looked around, his room was a lot different than mine. He had white and black walls, with a "Chemical Romance" comforter, he had a black record player with at least a thousand records, He had a huge tv with a Xbox and a lot of those games to. 

"So what movies do you have?"

"Idk look over there."

I picked out "The Nightmare Before Christmas". We cuddled and ate chips and watched it. Before I knew it i fell asleep in his arms.

"Hey Celeste, we fell asleep its eight. Do you want me to take you home?"


On the way home we really didn't talk that much, because we were tired and he dropped me off and waked me to the door. Before I went in he grabbed my waist and we started making out. This time was better, every time we kiss it  gets better. About two minutes later, he pulls away and I go inside my house. 

I went upstairs and got a shower, then I went to sleep. 

I'M ONLY MYSELF WHEN I'M WITH YOUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt