Trail 1 (Part 1)

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This guy really thought he was gonna beat us four. Ha! Looks like he's never met a dragon slayer before.
"Fire Dragon Wing Attack!" I yelled running toward him.
Then right before I could hit him he used some weird magic and I fell to the ground.

I couldn't believe my eyes. Natsu was taken down in one punch. Something feels really off about this guy.

One minute we were in the forest the next minute we were in a big room that looked kind of like an arena.

"Where are we?" Erza asked looking around.

"Yea, and where are the guys?" Levy added looking puzzled

"Hahaha." We heard someone laugh.

Just then the girl from earlier came out of nowhere.

"Where are we and why did you take us here?" I asked.

"Oh I just wanted to make the fight fair. And this is my battle arena.You like it? Hahaha." She spoke as she walked around us.

"Let us go at once." Erza said drawing her sword.

"Not so fast there. Before you guys can leave you're gonna have to fight me and my minions." She said smirking.

"Minions?" We all said as we heard a door open behind us.

We all turned to see about 10 weird looking demons coming out of the door.

"If you defeat all of my Minions and me you can leave. Oh and I'm guessing you guys need this." She lifted up a small bottle filled with pink liquid.

"That's one of the parts of the medicine!" Levy said.

"Well defeat me and my Minions and you get it. But good luck. Hahahah." She said walking off into the darkness.

"Come on girls. For Juvia!" Erza said requiping into her Heaven Wheels armor.

"Yea!" Me and Levy exclaimed getting ready.

"Open gate of the Virgin, Virgo!"
I said.

"Yes, Princess?"

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