Chapter 6 • Truth or Dare •

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~~3rd Pov~~
It's been 6 months since Aphmau started school. Each week her and Laurance have been getting closer! She want to date him but is it too early? She starts worrying and asked herself questions. Does he feel the same way? Is he getting over a bad break up? Does he want a girlfriend right now? What if she's not his type? Will he ever ask her? Does she ask him first? What if he rejects her? Will they still be friends? Will they go back to the way they were? She stops thinking about that. She had made friends over the past three weeks like Kawaii~Chan, Kaitlyn, Cadenza, Travis, Dante, and some others.

~~ Aphmaus Pov ~~
*Yawn* ugh.... Where's my phone?.... Oh there it is...*checks what time it is* it's 10:29..... Ugh I'm gonna get up now...* takes shower* I wonder what I'm going to wear today. It's a Saturday and I have no plans. I'll wear this⬇️

 Cute nerd glasses make anything cute! * goes downstairs*

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Cute nerd glasses make anything cute! * goes downstairs*. " Hi mom!" I said. " Hey sweetie, i see your awake finally." She says giggling. " Yeah, sorry about that. I was up ALL night watching Netflix." I said. " what were you watching on Netflix?" My mom asked. " The Walking Dead." I said. " That's ma Gurl" she said smiling. I started laughing then I got a text.

Laur- Hey, would you like to go to the park today?
Aph- Sure let me just ask my mom if it's ok.
Laur- ok
^ End of Text ^
" Mom can I go to the park with Laurance ?" I asked. " Yeah sure." She said. " Ok thanks mom!" I said

Aph- My mom said it was ok for me to go!
Laur- Ok great! I'll pick you up in 15 min ok.
Aph- Perfect!
Laur- Ok see you then. Oh btw Travis and Katelyn are going too.
Aph- how did you convinced KATELYN into going and ok!
Laur- I don't know XD and ok bye!
Aph- bye!
^End of Text^
"Mom, katelyn and Travis are going to the park too." I said." Ugh I don't trust that kid... He's always looking and trying to grab yours and Katelyns butts." My mom said. " you know he's only playing around. And he tells us when he's looking and whenever he tries to touch me and Katelyn we slap him!" I said. " Alright then! You get that feistiness from me!" She said laughing. I start laughing too. Then the doorbell rang. My mom answered the door. It was Laurance. She saw him and yelled to me " APHMAU, YOUR BOYFRIEND'S HERE!". I started to blush. I went to the door and saw Laurance blushing too. He hugged me and I hugged him back. I could feel him mouth to my mom " I'll take care of her". We walked to the park. He said we were going to meet Travis and Katelyn over there. When we got there we saw Travis so close to touching Katelyns butt. I sneak behind him and push him causing him to touch her butt. I ran back before he could see me. Katelyn turned around and slapped him. Laurance and I started to laugh really hard.They heard us and walked to us. I whisper in Travis's ear and say " your welcome". He smiles at me. I smile back. " I can help him touch yours" he whispered back. " no!" I said quietly. He starts to laugh. " What was that about?" Katelyn and Laurance said. " Nothing" me and Travis said smiling and giggling. We sit down at the benches and talk for a little. We had been there for 3 hours now. " Hey , want to go to my house?" Travis asks. " Sure!" We all say.

*Travis's House*
" Do you guys wanna play truth or dare?" Travis says smirking. " sure" we all said. We all sat in a circle " ok Aphmau you go first." Travis said. " ok, ummm Katelyn. Truth or Dare..." I said . " Truth" she said. " on a scale from 1-10 how hot is Travis to you?" I saw Travis blush. "zero!!!" She says. " Katelyn , you have to answer honestly, if you want you can tell me in the kitchen. By the way zero isn't on the scale" I said. " ok I'll only tell you" she says. We walk to the kitchen and she said " 1 because it's the lowest number in the scale." Loud enough so the boys can hear. Then she whispers in my ear. " sorry I don't want the boys to think I like Travis. To be honest, I would give him a 9 1/2 . I would give him a 10 but he keeps trying to touch my butt and it makes me feel weird." She says "OM-" I was stopped by Katelyn covering my mouth. " Don't tell anyone please!" She said. " ok let's go back" I said. " ok ". We walk back to where Laurance and Travis were at. "ok Katelyn your turn." I said. " ok umm, Laurance truth or dare." She asked. "Dare" he said. " I dare you to kiss Aphmau!" She said smiling. I have a mini heart attack. I start to blush." ok " he said. I blush even harder. I've never kissed anyone on the cheek or the lips. He starts to lean closer.....

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