Chapter 18 • Secret Love? Part 1 •

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Aphmau's Pov
*Yawn* what time is it? I grab my phone to check what time it was. " 7:49 am". I lay in bed and think of what I should do today. I decide to text Laurance to see if he's up.

~Texting Starts~
A- hey Laurance. Are you up yet?
L- Yeah, I woke up 10 minutes ago.
A- Oh. Are you going to work today?
L- No. I....I quit
L- I didn't really like it. A lot of girls were hitting on me and only came to Target to see me. They didn't buy anything either. Plus, I wanted to spend more time on my schoolwork , family and friends.
L- wow, Aph. Calm down. I've never seen this side of you
A- haha I'm just kidding. I don't get jealous. At least I don't think I do.
L- haha don't do that to me XD
A- well I'm going to make myself breakfast. Talk to you later :)
L- okay I'm going to do the same. Bye <3
A- bye •3•
~Texting Ends~
I drag myself out of bed and take a shower. I get out and get dressed. I put on a pair of gray sporty shorts with a white crop top. I put my hair into a messy bun and leave my room. I don't feel like walking so I lay down and slide down the stairs. It was a little bumpy but it's better than walking. I get up and go to the kitchen. I don't know how to cook that well so I make myself a bowl of cereal. I walk to the couch and turn on the tv. The Walking Dead is on, sweet. I finish my cereal and put the bowl in the dishwasher. I go to the stairs and sigh. " yay. Stairs.." I said looking at the stairs. I crawl up the stairs and go to my room. I was about to enter my room when I heard the doorbell ring. Who could that be? I'm still tired so I slide down the stairs again. I open the door to see Laurance laughing his butt off.

"Why are you laughing?" I ask. " I looked through the window and saw you slide down the stairs. Hahahah"! " okay look, I'm tired and I don't want to move." I said. " then let me carry you." He said smirking. " what no do--" Laurance picked me up and carried me to the couch. " where do you want to go m'lady?" He asked still carrying me. "My room, I need to get ..something" I said.

Laurance took me upstairs into my room. He had trouble opening the door so I opened it for him. " Thanks, but I so could've done that." He said. " riiiight" I giggled. " where to now?" He asked. " to my closet." I commanded. He walked my to the closet and was about to open the door when he stopped. " wait, we aren't gonna do 7 minutes in heaven, are we?" He asked smirking. I punched his shoulder playfully. "No!" I said. He sighed. " maybe next time" he mumbled. " what?" I asked. " oh nothing" he said as he opened the door. " put me down peasant!" He commanded. " woah, harsh but whatever" he chucked. I giggled and told him to close his eyes. I tried to find my tiara from my quinceañera. I found it but it was at the top shelf. I tried everything to grab it. I turn to see Laurance trying to hold in his laughter. " what!" I said. " nothing just, you know, trying not to laughing at your shortness." He said looking like he was about to blow. I turn around and once again, try to get it but fail. I turn around and as for Laurance's assistance. He tells me to get on his back and he bends down. I get on his back . He starts walking closer to where the tiara is. I grab it and put it on. " I'm a princess now!" I say happily. " you were always a princess to me " he said blushing. I blushed. " aww, thank you, my prince." I said kissing his forehead. " Now can you put me down?" I asked. " Nope." He said and got out the closet. " Laurance!" I yelled. He started running out of my room and down the stairs. " we're gonna fall!" I said. " whatever!" He said. He took me to the living room and stayed still. " how about now?" I asked. " how about NO!" He said and started to spin me. " We're going to get dizzy!" I said giggling. " I know haha" he stopped and fell into the couch. " my head!" I laughed. " DIZZINESS!" He yelled.

"Now that I'm a princess, what should be my first order of business." I asked. "I don't know." Laurance said. I know! " as my first order of business, I command Laurance to play truth or dare with the beloved princess Aphmau!" I said giggling. " okay my beloved princess Aphmau." Laurance said chuckling. We got on the floor and sat crisscross applesauce. "Truth or Dare Laurance!" I said. " Dare!" He said confidently. Hehehe. " I dare you to go outside and yell as loud as you can ' I'm a pretty princess!' In your underwear, ONLY!" I said laughing evily. " Oh my Irene!" He said. " and if you don't do a dare, you have to do a forfeit , which is letting me put makeup on you and we have to go to the mall for an hour!" I said. " fine!" He said. He started taking off his clothes. I felt the heat rise into my cheeks. He had nothing but his underwear on. He went outside and I started recording him. " I'M A PRETTY PRINCESS!" He yelled as loud as he could. He ran inside and locked the door. I laughed so hard! " alright your turn." I said sitting back down. "Okay truth or dare." He said pushing his clothes back on. " DARE." I said. " I dare you to go outside and say ' I Love You' and confess your 'love' to the first person you see. This is gonna be fun! I walk outside and look around. Nobody is here. Suddenly I see a familiar face walking down the street. It's TRAVIS! Great. I walk up to him and greet him. " hey Travis!" I said. " hey Aphmau! What are you doing?" He replied. " umm. I saw you walking and I wanted to tell you something, important." I said looking down. " what is it?" He asked concerned. "Well, ever since I saw you, I.. Really liked you." I said still looking down. " what do you mean?" He asked. " I think I l-love you." I said. "...." Travis stayed silent. " I love your beautiful white hair and your amazing green eyes. How your muscles show through your shirt makes me blush everyday. How kind and flirtation you are makes me love you even more. You're so hot." I said still looking down so he won't see me almost about to laugh. He lifted up my chin......

Cliffhanger!!! What will happen between Travis and Aphmau??? Sorry with was getting long and if I continued, this would be a LONG chapter!

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