Chapter 3

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"Leave me alone."


"I mean it. We don't even share that many classes."

"Yeah, we do."

"You don't have to keep walking me to class, I'm fine." 

"I don't think so."

"People are staring."


"I don't like people staring. It's uncomfortable, it gives unwanted attention, and they don't stop."

"Then look away."

"That doesn't even make any sense!"



"Yeah, so?"

Juvia stopped. She turned her head and looked at the boy following her, releasing an exasperated sound as her hands flew up. "If it doesn't make any sense then I shouldn't do it and it shouldn't keep happening."

Gray had been doing this for days now. Days. He would wait by her room, often times eating breakfast, and would walk her to her first period. When that class ended, he would always be waiting to walk her to her second. Then they would eat together at break. Then walk together to their third period. Then their forth. Then their fifth. Then their sixth. They'd eat lunch together, walk back to their dorm together, sit next to each other at assemblies in the auditorium. Gray even proposed that they study together. Like, all the time. Just to be safe. And he wasn't even being happy or sad or showing any emotion about it. He would just walk and retort with a nonchalant expression on his face and his hands in his pockets.  What made matters even worse is that they were in the same dorm building, so she couldn't ever avoid or dodge him on her way to the main campus. He was easily the most annoying guard dog.

It would often go like this:

Gray would say "Morning."

Then Juvia would respond with "Good morning."

Then they would start walking and stay in silence until Juvia politely told him to go fuck off. That's about it, excluding the arguments. 


"Eating lunch together is always so quiet. And you always ask me how I am. I haven't changed in any way than when you saw me an hour ago." Juvia said one day.

"Then hang out with some of my friends. Bet 'ya it won't be quiet then." Gray replied. Juvia stared at him. "Your friends?" she exclaimed. 




"Nope, no way."

"Yeah, Juvia."

"No, I can't. I don't even know them."

"That's the point of meeting them."

Juvia groaned. "I can't, Gray. What if they don't like me?"

"Oh, please. They like everybody. A little too much, even."

Juvia stopped strolling. She halted their walk to 4th period, bringing together her hands in front of her chest, wriggling her thumbs. She stared down at her shoes. She kept her mouth closed, her hair cascading over her shoulders as she fidgeted in that one spot. Gray stopped a few steps in front, turning just barely. He cocked his chin toward their next classroom building, pointing a thumb at the doors as he backtracked to where Juvia froze. "We'll be late for class." he said. Juvia didn't respond. "You OK, Juvia?" he asked, again, dropping his head to try and find her eyes and hold her gaze.

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