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Amanda and Nick sat at the other end of the table. Normally they were very talkative but today had been a bad work day for them both. And I wasn't really ready to have small talk. Dinner was takeout and when we were done, wordlessly we cleaned up, said goodnight and went our own ways. When I climbed the stairs to my room. I opened my door and froze.

There was a dark figure draped across my bed. I hit the light switch and let out a sigh of relief. Stepping into the room, I closed the door. Grim was laying on his stomach, boots hanging off the bed and his head didn't raise when the door shut.

I moved to the bed and-and tossed my coat to the floor. I sat on the edge of the bed and poked Grim under his shoulder blade. His head shot up, eyes wide when his eyes found mine, he relaxed.

"Sorry." He muttered, his voice rough. "I didn't mean to fall asleep."

I smiled, "It's fine."

He swung his feet over the bed and sat next to me. "I came over to check on you after dinner but I saw you downstairs...So I just came up here. I must've passed out."

"Again. It's fine." I laid back. Looking up at the ceiling.

"Are you okay?" Grim looked down at me, dark brows clamped down.

"Just tired. " I sighed. "A lot as happened to me in the past few days."

Grim stood and I sat back up.

"I understand." He said his voice lower than before, he glanced at the door.

I raised a brow when his gaze narrowed at the closed door.

"What's up?" I asked quietly.

"They were right outside," He glanced back at me. "Probably thinking you were talking on the phone."

"Hoping," I corrected.

He plopped down on the floor. "You want to know something." He stated.

I raised a brow, what in the hell did that mean? "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I can sense it from you, You are curious about something and want to ask questions." He crossed his legs at the ankles, and smiled, tipping his head back."

I frowned. "Well, you can start with how can you sense things from me?"

The smile widened. "Well, It's the same thing that makes us faster, stronger. All my senses are higher than they were before, I could hear you breathing from all the way downstairs. I can hear the blood pumping through your veins. I can sense or smell your emotions-"

I interrupted. "I'm sorry, you can smell my emotions?" I laughed. "That is the creepiest thing I've ever heard."

The smile slipped off his face in the slightest. "It's not like it's weird. Your body gives off signals and fermions when you feel certain emotions, it's not exactly smelling either, and it's not just you, I can sense these things from everyone. And I can dim it down when I want."

"So you can sense things? Okay, Spider-man."

"It's not all sensing, somethings I can smell, like fear, anger, lust-"

"What do they smell like?" I earned a dark glare for interrupting again.

"Fear is tangy, it smells bitter. Anger is well...." He rubbed his temple. "Have you ever smelled a really angry dog?"

The laugh caught in my throat. "That'd be a no."

"Well, it's a dark smell, like something has been rotting away for weeks," Grim smirked when I scrunched my nose. "Lust or love, Smells sweet, like a perfume or fresh fruit."

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