He's Gone?

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As Clary awoke she heard voices. As her vision cleared she noticed that Jace was gone and the room was completely empty, apart from Luke and Alec who where standing next to her bed, chatting quietly. As she rolled over she could see her jacket still on the floor beside her bed and felt heavy inside. As her mind started to unfuzz she tried talking, but all that came out was a groan. Alec glanced over at her with a worried look in his eyes. As he started walking to Clary he mumbled something unintelligible to Luke, who got up and left. It was in a foreign language, she decided. She understood the drift of it. Why she was in infirmary and where Jace had gone. Finally she looked at him with a puzzled look and he started speaking in English again, repeating what he had just said about Jace.

"Clary, are you ok? I heard what Jace did to you. It's terrible, but you don't have to worry about him anymore, he can't hurt you now. They came and took him to a mental hospital for treatment with his issues and they're going to put him in rehab for his drinking problem."

As Alec finished speaking Clary stared at him still looking blank at how many words he could say with just one breath

"What? I had to learn to talk fast when I started going out with Magnus. Do you know how hard it is to get a word in when you're talking to him?"

Alec exclaimed before Clary could say anything.

"Alec, I'm not Magnus, I can't understand you when you talk at a hundred miles an hour. Especially when I just woke up. What language were you speaking before anyway?"

"It was the ancient language of the shadowhunters.'

"Which is?"

"I don't know, Latin maybe? A bit of Greek"

"Your speaking a foreign language but you know don't know what language it is that you are speaking. You are completely weird. I think you already know that don't you?"

"I'm not that weird. You should see Izzy"

"Alec, whats the chance of me seeing Jace anytime soon?"

"Not high. It's gonna be a couple weeks before even family can get in to see him. I doubt they would let anyone that isn't family in for at least a couple of months and by then he should be in rehab, so there is a very real chance that you might not see him for close to seven or eight months. I'm sorry. Why would you want to see him anyway? Especially after what he did to you. If someone ever did that to me I would be praying that they die in a ditch.... Not that I want Jace to die. Why would I? He's my parabati-"

"Alec!! Calm down. I wanted to see him because I know he was drunk and when people get drunk it sometimes affects their ability to see things clearly and it clouds their judgment. It might be better if I don't see him, you know, sober?"

"I know Clary. But the last year has been hell for Jace. I think he just needs some time."

Clary sighed. She new Alec was right, but it was difficult. She had blocked out how much she truly missed the shadow world, and coming back, especially without Jace, was the hardest thing she had ever done.

"I'm going back to sleep" she decided "I'll talk to you later, yeah?"

"Yeah." Alec replied "and Clary?"



Clary woke several hours later to a gentle poke on her arm

"Alec what the hell?" She asked angrily "I'm tying to sleep"

Alec was just opening his mouth to respond when Simon stepped up to the bed.

"My fault" he said "I was worried about you"

Her gaze softened and she looked up at him smiling gently.

"I'm ok" she said "just tired"

"Ok" he said "I'll just, wait here" he looked expectantly at Luke and Alec, who quickly left as Simon lay down on the bed next to Clary.

"They won't let me see him" she said quietly

"Maybe it's for the best. You didn't want to get to involved"

"I know. But he's practically my brother"

"Well no matter what, I'm here for you"

"I love you. You know that?"

"I know" he said "but it's nice to hear it"

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