Awakening and Wonderland Love and Care?

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Blake's POV

The snoring eventually subsided as Ruby had awoke from the sleep that her power had caused her to have when it cascaded back into her.

She tried to bolt as the unfamiliar settings jarred her waking mind but hearing Weiss's pleading voice to stop she sat back on the bed.

"We have to go see Mrs. Alice Weiss. I am sure she knows Ruby is awake somehow." I serious couldn't believe some of the stories that were made about this nice woman. The painting however taunted me and caused my anger to boil. 

I had to keep Ruby from seeing it for now.


Ruby's POV

The halls seemed full of Beacon students.  The Beacon uniforms contrasted against the dark grey carpet of the hall. The few people that I would look for I couldn't see at this moment. JNPR and CFVE I needed to find later.

The office of the Headmaster was in the main building of Haven. Or that is what I was told by some Haven students nearby. The smell of swamps in the air gave me pause. The stagnant air made me want to vomit. 

The main building of Haven was built to look like a pyramid that was inverted on the side. A old shape but from what I am told Mrs. Alice is a odd person.

The inside of the main hall was filled with vibrant reds and yellows. Showing how much more they valued their own students over the one's they decided to adopt. Weiss and Blake were chatting about our mission to save Remnant that I had to glare at them to shut up. 

We didn't know who could be trusted at Haven. We didn't know honestly if we could trust the headmaster here. Ozpin was exactly telling about his allies in other academies. 

The office of Alice was a small office painted in a deep purple and black. Weird designs of mushrooms and a odd world filled the walls. Honestly it seemed so real like it could come to life at any second.

"You finally awoke I see." The deep blonde hair shocked me. I was expecting black hair for the headmaster I don't know why. But her eyes gave me more so to pause on. The symbols inside her eyes gave me a feeling that I shouldn't trust her.

Choosing my words carefully I nodded. "Indeed. Why did you want to see my team so soon?" Her eyes turned a deep scarlet for a minute before settling back into the deep blue left eye and deep crimson right eye with the sideway crosses inside them. It seemed to me like a odd thing even for a huntress to have.

" Well you and your team are being merged with team JNPR, Though you will still be the individual leaders of your teams. The offset of each of your team missing a member made this necessary. But enough of that official business. Do you remember me Ruby?" She smiled as she asked the question.

This left me to ponder what she just asked for a minute. "No..Why should I?" My voice seemed to drift out slowly as memories started to flow from when I was a young child.


Summer's POV

The small bundle of inside the red cape yawned loudly. I am finally a proud mother of a daughter. Ruby Rose would be the young girl's name. The deep scarlet tips of her hair made me smile. Omega stood in a corner watching with wonder. Yang stood asleep in the chair nearby.

The yawning Ruby was so cute as she shifted in the bundle. She had been asleep since I was able to calm her since getting her home.

The sound of deep knocking caused Tai Yang to fly down the stairs answering it to not let Ruby wake up and cry. As the sound radiated through the house. The sharp cry of Ruby caused Yang to awake and stare. 

She knew she wasn't the only girl in the house anymore. I didn't know if she was happy or jealous. She didn't show any emotion as we arrived.

Rocking Ruby back to sleep was easier said then done as the air shifted. Alice Liddell had finally arrived. My best friend and former partner when we become huntresses after graduation from Beacon.

She sat across from me allowing the air to settle from her presence. She had a hard time controlling her semblance when she was excited.

She had come to meet the new addition to the family.

A/N I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. This chapter will be divided into 3 to tell the entirety of Alice's story in relation with Ruby's and more importantly the maidens.

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