Haven Havoc part 2 death but for who?

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Ruby's POV

The pain that made my vision swim as the darkness resided as my consciousness started to flow back. What happened to me was the thought then I recalled the hit from Adam. Trying to sit up was a chore I couldn't force my body to move. I could only flip my body over.

As I did so the scene was gruesome Adam covered in blood as he stabbed Alice through the gut and ripped upward bringing the blade through her skull. The horror went through my very being. I tried to use my summer maiden power but with the throbbing pain in my head and body made it impossible.

With my vision turning black as Adam came toward me I thought I was certainly dead.


Adam's POV

The fight that I and Alice fought were in her semblance. The semblance she believed would help her. She was about to learn even the world she created would fall. Wonderland was about to die with her.

She thought it wise to fire her spring power at me. I absorbed it with Wilt and Blush and sent it back shattering the semblance's powerful hold.

"Your Wonderland is over." I smirked as I plunged Wilt through her stomach then brought the blade up through her skull.

Turning my head at the sound of movement my smirk faded. The little Summer brat awake. Not for long.

I walked toward her as her eyes went back into her head as she passed out. Now is the best time as any to take here out.

Bring Wilt up the blood dripping onto her face and clothing as I brought the blade down it became entrapped in ice.

Damn the Winter maiden had stopped me. "Till next time Elsa." I jumped back through the glass landing on my feet as I went into a full sprint to the pick up point.


Weiss's POV

The shifting form of Ruby was a lot to take in a giant knot was on the side of her face were she was hit. Ruby attempted to jump upright but I intervened.

"Ruby don't move you have a concussion." The words felt foreign on my tongue as the left.  

"We will leave and take done Adam when you are better. It seems the doctor says about 3 weeks." I frowned as the thought of staying her after the death that had occurred. At least Blake was fine even though she said she felt weird. It seemed she smelled strangely of spring.

A/N I hope you enjoyed. 

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