1- Starbucks

8 0 0

Allison's POV

"El! Where did ya put my shoes?" it's 8 am in the morning and we're getting ourselves ready.

"Under your bed" Ellie replied

"And also don't forget the camera please" she added

"And why?"

"Coz you always forget that"

"No i mean, what's the camera for?"

"To take pictures. duh"


"Just don't forget"


We both are looking for jobs. We're both 17 so maybe you'd ask why we're not in school. It's because it's a weekend. Haha no not that. We stopped schooling. And our parents don't even know. And we don't have to worry, because they don't even care.

I don't think i will ever like school. And that's why i stopped. I don't believe in the power of education like duh there are so many college droup-outs out there who still made it through their lives.

El and I are depending on our parents' money. They keep us sending money every month. Though it's like that, we want to work. We want to keep ourselves busy aside from shutting ourselves inside the condo.

We rode on a cab while scanning ads in the newspaper. Fast way to search for jobs.

"That one. Encirle that" Ellie pointed an ad in the paper

It says: "Hiring waitresses for Starbucks Coffeeshop located at *******, ages 16-25. Contact number: ***********"

"Fast eyes. That's perfect." I smiled

"Hey, just drop us by the nearest starbucks" I told the taxi driver


Few minutes passed, we finally reached the place. And we entered.

"Umm excuse me, where can we apply?" Ellie asked one of the shop's waiters

"There" He pointed at a door. I think it's the manager's office?

"Thanks" I smiled at him

"Anytime. Goodluck" He smiled back

So we headed straight to the office.

A few interviews was made and we're through.

"We'll call you if you both are in" said thep manager

"Thanks sir" we both said and stood up leaving the shop

I just hope we're in. It's hard to find jobs that suits our capacity.

"So where are we heading now?" I'm quite exhausted and i feel like going back to bed.

"Can we go back to the shop?" she stopped walking



"But i'm already tired"

"Can you consider going their just for a few minutes?"

"Or hours?" i sarcastically asked her

"Whatever you think" And she grabbed my arms and dragged me inside

We looked for some vacant tables and took our seats.

"What's yours? I'll go get the order" Ellie stood up

"Anything. Some frapuccino maybe"

"Umm okay" And she headed away

The line at the counter is still quite long so I assume that Ellie will be back a little bit longer.

I took my phone from my pocket and checked out my twitter.

No new mentions.

I tweeted: "Chillin at starbucks with @ElCarter"

Tweet sent.

And i have 2 new mentions. Well that escalated quickly

@ElCarter: @Allison_Paige tweetin good? the line sucks!

I clicked the star button and gave it a favorite.

I laughed a bit. I saw Ellie from afar, she seems bored.

And i checked the other mention.

@ItsMeg: Hey! i missed you in school! good times ;)

She's Meg. My classmate since middle school. Which i don't see her more often these days because i don't visit school.

I replied: "Miss you more x"

Finally, Ellie arrived.

"That was years to order" She rolled her eyes

"Meg tweeted" To change her mood

"Really? I miss that bitch" She took my phone

And Ellie tweeted Meg using my account

"@ItsMeg hey!! why u dont tweet me :( i hate you lets hang out sometime!! -Ellie"

"There" giving back my phone

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2013 ⏰

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