Chapter 3

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-April's POV-

I got off the phone with my dad and once again he canceled on me.. I wiped my tears and started on my homework. "When are you leaving?" My mom asked sitting on my bed. "He canceled..." I said tearing up. "Oh sweet heart." I cried on her shoulder. She left and I did my homework then went to bed

-page brake-

I was in my math class when a boy with black hair and black eyes walked in. A few kids called him some names. I felt bad for the poor kid. "Leave him alone!" I snapped.

-Ross' POV-

I walked in my math class and some kids called me names... I sat down and then I heard someone defend me. "Leave him alone!" Someone snapped.

People went back to work. I smiled a little. No one ever defended me, not even the teachers!

-page brake-

"Hey, you alright?" I was tripped and I fell in my face. "Yea, I'm fine." I held my nose, it was bleeding. I tried to not cry but some tears escaped. People hit me. "Stop." I said bursting into tears. Then a car pulled up, "LEAVE HIM ALONE!!" She pulled me in her car and drove off to a park then stopped. "You okay?" I was bleeding all over her car. "I wanna go home." I said not looking at her. "Okay." She drove off and headed towards my house.

-April's POV-

The poor guy. He was crying his eyes out and bleeding like crazy. I took him home, he lived next door to me. And helped him to the house. He mom came out and took him inside. "Thank you for helping him." She smiled and closed the door. I hope he's okay. Poor guy.

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