Chapter 11

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-Ross' POV-

"Ross I'm 3 months!" "No! your 2 1/2!!" "Agg! You idiot it's 3!" I was I the hospital again! Me and April were fighting on how many months she been prego. I know it's 3 but I'm bored... So why not? "No! I know for a fact it's 2 1/2!!!"

-April's POV-

"Ross your a dork! I know your lieing!" He giggled. I kissed him, that kiss got heated EXTREMELY fast! I don't even know where my shirt is... I hope the door is closed...

-page brake-

I was scared to be a mom. Ross was asleep. I was in the chair thing they put in hospital's. What scared me most, What if Ross dies? Then I'll be a single mom.... I don't wanna be alone! I love Ross! "Fight Ross. You can win." I whispered. "I know you can win. I know it."

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