If I were President...
I would be fair, and open the eyes of people,
So they can care.
I would end all discrimination.
In every nation.
*I will build a wall
That will sustain us all.
In hands of brotherhood,
For good.
Ending all wars,
With an applaud of roars.
This is my speech,
Now let me hear you screach,
For my Presidential speech.
Let me hear the wave of hollers,
For freedom and justice,
And forget all this roughness.
If I were President,
I would bring us all together
Hey guys long time no see, okay, well with this A/N I just wanted to clear up a phrase from my poem, okay so the whole building a wall, no it will not be like Trump's stupid wall. This wall, will keep us from falling into wars, political disasters, poverty, etc. That's what I meant. So stay cool you guys, will update the next poem soon. Thank you my little marshmallows.

Poetry: Book 2
PoesiaPoems, poems, and more poems! They arent the best, but I put my heart and others have as well. So thanks for taking your time in reading them!!❤❤❤