The Games People Play

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From Kayla to Molly - my partner in the Gillovny trash can, my sister of the moon, and the Mulder to my Scully. All she wanted was a little fic about Lindsey and Stevie's daughter twirling around in a shawl and instead she got this. She's not very lucky to be my bro.

PLEASE BE WARNED - this fic deals with some really intense, deep dark stuff. This is really an intro chapter to show what their relationship is like on the outside vs how they feel on the inside, which is why it seems a bit different than the others.

"I hate you Lindsey Buckingham!" She yelled as soon as they got off stage. She threw her tambourine at his head, but John warned him to duck and it just barely missed him.

"Right back at ya, babe," he said, as he slammed the door to his dressing room.

It was just another night on the Tusk tour and the other members of Fleetwood Mac glanced at each other, sighed, and retreated to their own dressing rooms. Upon entering they could hear Stevie and Lindsey throwing and smashing things against the walls of their own dressing rooms. The band may have been worried, had this not been an every night occurrence.

They met in the hall to head back to the hotel; Lindsey and Stevie were no where in sight.

"They really missed their calling as actors, didn't they?" Mick remarked to Christine.

She rolled her eyes, "I honestly don't know how they do it. They go out there every night and fake it until they make it; then the second they're off stage they want to kill each other."

"They just have something we don't understand," John said with a shrug.

Mick shook his head, "well if they don't pull it together, that could mean the end of the band."

"It'll never be the end, Mick. They can't live with each other, but they certainly can't live without each other." Christine explained.

The three of them headed out to the cars that awaited them; eager to get to the hotel for some peace and quiet.

Eventually, Lindsey emerged from his dressing room. He looked around to make sure Stevie wasn't in sight and made a swift escape to his car, where Carol Ann was waiting for him. He plastered on his fake smile and kissed her cheek when he got inside. Truth be told, she was the last person he felt like dealing with tonight.

"How was the show?" She asked.

Lindsey shrugged and mumbled, "was fine."

Carol Ann sighed, already annoyed that she didn't have Lindsey's full attention. "Did you have another fight with Stevie?"

"She threw her tambourine at my head."

"During or after the show?"

Lindsey glanced at her, "does it matter?"

Carol Ann draped herself over Lindsey and kissed his cheek, "I'll make you feel better tonight."

He shrugged her off, "I'm tired."

They got out of the car when they got to the hotel and immediately headed to their room, not wanting to be seen, as much as Carol Ann loved the second-hand spotlight.

Lindsey poured himself a drink and downed it before heading to the bathroom to shower. Carol Ann knew there was nothing she could do but let his mood pass.

Stevie headed back to the hotel alone. She was ready to have a drink, a line, and forget about this night.

She didn't know why she continued to do this to herself. She could walk away from the band. She was a star; she could be a solo artist.

That seemed like an awfully lonely life to lead, though. She didn't know how to be alone. She hadn't been alone since....well, since she agreed to join Lindsey's band all those years ago.

Life was so different back then. Some days she would give anything to go back to waiting tables and cleaning houses while Lindsey worked on his music. It wasn't an easy life, but it was theirs.

Stevie kept her head down as she walked into the hotel. She headed straight for her room and once she was inside with the door locked, she kicked off her boot and emptied the content.

Her stash; she had felt it in the boot all night long and she swore the worse things got with Lindsey, the more she could feel it. She scooped it up from the floor and poured herself a drink. She put on some music (quietly, because the last thing she wanted was Lindsey bitching at her about how loud her music was), and settled down on the couch.

She pulled the mirror that had been pushed aside earlier towards her and emptied the small bag. She could already feel the relief washing over her and she hadn't even done anything yet.

Stevie glanced over at the door when she heard a knock, but quickly decided not to answer it. Whoever it was would go away and leave her in peace.

Then the knocking became persistent and she groaned, getting up and throwing the door open.

"Jesus Christ, Lindsey, what the fuck do you want now?" She asked as she saw him standing there.

She waited for an answer or an excuse; instead she got a bruising kiss as he backed her into the room and kicked the door shut behind him.

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