A World Without You

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Lindsey could find a million ways in which she was flawed, but could only find one way she was not.

She was a tornado.

She swept through his life and destroyed everything in her path. The only thing left standing was his girlfriend, the one lonesome tree that refused to be knocked down. Even then, she may have taken some branches down with her.

She could be calming like the rain, but it was never long before the thunder started and eventually the lightning would strike his heart.

She could put fear into him just as quickly as a tornado could put fear into an entire town.

She would die as surely as a tornado would get sucked back into the sky. It would be quick and painless for her. It would be devastating and messy for everyone left in its wake.

He could not stop her any more than the ground could stop a tornado. He could just watch in fascination as she danced through his life.

Destruction could be her middle name.

She was destructive. God, she was so very destructive and sometimes he didn't know who she was working harder to destroy; him or herself.

It was whichever came first, he supposed.

Who would break first? He would break on the inside, no doubt, but she would be the one falling down like a broken bridge. A heartbreakingly beautiful, broken bridge.

She would waste away her potential.

She would let everything she worked for slip right through her fingers. It would be as if none of it mattered. It would be as if all those years she spent trying to get here meant nothing. It would be as though their time together would mean nothing; that nothing good or pure or beautiful had ever come from it. She would let him bear the weight of the notion that their love had meant nothing.

She would take him to the grave with her.

Most people took their secrets to their grave; she would leave hers behind in notebooks and take him instead. She would take his heart and his mind and eventually, probably not long after, his body too. She knows he can't live without her; it's not enough to stop her, but it's enough for her to dig her claws in deeper so she can drag him into the ground with her.

She would make him as lonely as she feels.

His girlfriend won't stay forever. She will eventually get tired of his fiery relationship. His girlfriend will wonder why he can't give her that much passion. He will never be able to give anyone or anything that much passion, not even his music. She reaches down deep into his soul and she pulls it right out of him.

No one else will come close to that and no one else will try and he will be as lonely as she is, because she certainly won't stay with him.

She won't let him say goodbye.

One day, she will leave and he will never see her again. He will get a call and his world will come crashing down.

He will have so many things he didn't get to say. He will be angry with her (maybe that would make it easier) and that will be the last string she will pull from his heart (she is the one holding it together).

She makes him hate her.

He really, really does not want to see her drift away. He does not want to watch as she withers away; as she burns out slowly like a candle. It makes him feel angry; makes him resentful. It's easier for him to feel those things because to love her is to watch her fade away and he does not wish to see her go.

When he is asked what was good about her, he will have only one answer.

He will say, "she's Stevie."

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