Morgan's P.O.V

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Day 7

I wake up and don't see Nick or Jason anywhere. I wake Michael up to ask him if he saw them leave. He says he has to tell me something. He brings me to a building two blocks down. I enter and see both of their bodies laying on the ground.

"What happened?!"

"Jason killed Nick, so I killed Jason"

Michael told me the story of what happened. I agreed that what he did was right. We couldn't have a killer in our group. We're just gonna tell the rest of the group they got bit. They would all freak out if we told them what actually happened. They wouldn't forgive Michael. If we wanted to live, and cooperate, we had to tell a few lies.

We went back and told them. Seeing of how Jason was Cameron, Gavin, and Hudson's best friend, they freaked out. Gavin was screaming about how they died, Cameron was crying, and Hudson didn't look too good. I gave him a bucket and he puked in it. No-one said anything, after telling them. Michael started to speak.

"I know Jason was our friend, but that's what happens when you are weak, and don't think about what you are doing. You die. Everybody needs to learn that. Your choices have effects. You don't just get away with everything."

Everyone seems to agree, except Gavin, still furious about Jason. Hudson says we should build a training space. Michael agrees and says how we are gonna make it.

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