Through the Graveyard

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One spooky, dreadful Halloween night I was dressed up as a vampire and my sister was dressed up as a mummy. We took a shortcut home through the graveyard and I saw a zombie pop up from the ground. We screamed and ran, I tripped, my sister didn't notice I wasn't there with her until she reached home the zombie grabbed me and when my sister came back with two of my friends I was unconscious on the ground. They grabbed me and carried me home. Oh my gosh that zombie was so scary.

Wow, I cannot believe it a few days later my friends, I went to the graveyard to see who the zombie was, and there on the ground was my sister, dead! I could not believe it then I asked my friends what happened. My sister was the zombie who grabbed me! I was, standing there holding my mouth open; suddenly out of nowhere, something moved in the darkness. I screamed, Logan's mouth dropped open, but only a squeak came out, my other friend Ben  said, "Let's get out of here." We tried to get out of there as quick as we could, but A few moments later, something grabbed me from behind. I screamed and tried to break free, but I could not the other person was way to strong. My friends turned around and said "don't worry we can't beat him, but we'll go get help."

"Hurry," I yelled freaking out. "No shortcuts, find help and come straight back. Okay?"

"Okay. Okay! We will be right back. Don't worry we won't take any shortcuts!" Ben exclaimed a smile forming on his face.

Just then, they said, "Ha, Ha we fooled you!"

When I asked who planed it, Logan started running away so I started to chase him, but my ankle touched the ground I fell down. Logan saw me fall and came running back asking me if I was okay and I answered, I twisted my ankle trying to get away from the person who grabbed me. So then, he said to me to put an arm around his shoulder and one on Ben's. Then the people who were in the Zombie costume, Dominique & Kelsey also helped and they took me to the little cabin we were camping in. Then we put an ace bandage on it. As soon as we did that I heard a loud moan then a crash from somewhere up above us everybody, but me rushed upstairs when they got up there they split up but couldn't find anything.

Then I caught something out of the corner of my eye and I screamed. When the rest of the gang came downstairs, I was just recovering from what I saw. This how you would describe it: whiter than snow, eyes were brown and bloodshot like a person who just was done crying, and her clothes looked fashionable, oh and really long hair. "So did you guys find anything?"

"No, but it sounded like you did." They said together.

"I don't know what I saw." I replied. "But I think it was a ghost."

Well they looked at me then laughed. Right then I saw her again so did they; she looks so beautiful, I asked her what she was doing here, and what her name and this is what she said: "My name is Sara. I am here because I use to live here up until a fire destroyed the house I lived in and people built the cabin here where my mansion was. I died an hour later in the hospital. I was six years old."

"I'm sorry we didn't believe you when you said you saw a ghost Em." They replied.

"It's okay. Hey Sara was that you upstairs crying, moaning and did you make that crash we heard?"

"Yes that was me I was crying because I was thinking about my sister."

Therefore, we started talking for what seemed like 4 hours and we found out a lot about her. Suddenly she had to go. Therefore, my friends and I got dinner and they told me to stay on the couch and rest my ankle so I would not hurt it any worse. While they got dinner ready I started to hum a little tune when they came into with the dinner I was not there it was as if I magically disappeared. They started looking for me, but it was weird I was right there in the room with them and they could not see me. Was it because of Sara?

Just then, I turned visible again and then Logan saw me and asked me "what happened?"

"I don't know one minute I was sitting there humming a nice little tune then the next minute I totally disappeared." I replied. "My ankle is feeling better. I think I can try walking on it."

"Are you sure? Here let me see it." He exclaimed, as he looked it over. "It looks okay. Try standing on it."

I stood up and walked a few inches then passed out. While Logan was trying to wake me, he and Ben lifted me up and laid me on the couch while Dominique went to get a cold washrag to put on my face. When we heard knocking on the door Dominique ran to answer it tripping over her feet. When she got to the door and answered it, I was just waking up. Dominique came back into the room with The Jonas Brothers.

Nick exclaimed, "Oh my! What happened here?"

Logan answered, "Em hurt herself yesterday in the graveyard with this prank I planed because I knew she was afraid of Zombies. She was trying to get away and twisted her ankle!"

Nick, Kevin and Joe asked together "Oh my! Is it bad?"

"We don't know, but let's check it."

I took off the ace bandage very carefully. When I got it off Nick replied, "It looks like its swelling some." He said that while he examined it. "Does it hurt at all Em?"

"Yes it hurts quite a bit." I replied painfully. "Thanks a lot for that prank you pulled on me Logan."

Right then Kevin who was being kind of quiet said that I should go to a hospital and offered to take me, right when Reade came in and asked what had happened. Therefore, I went to the hospital while Joe and Reade stayed behind. Nick and Joe helped me to their car, while Kevin was getting the car started. I lay in the back seat while Kevin and Nick sat up front. Nick kept looking back at me and I could feel my face was somewhat white.

When he looked back at me, I could tell he was nervous so when we got a moment alone in the car and I asked him why he looked at me like that and he answered, "No reason. Why do you ask?"

"Well you were looking at me funny on the way there and I was just wandering why." I replied. "You can tell me. It is not as if I will tell anybody. Come on and tell me." Right then Joe and Kevin came out & walked to the car. Nick jumped out of the car, told me he was not in the mood to talk about it, and went inside the cabin.

"What was that about?" Kevin asked with a funny look on his face.

"Um, do you know why he was nervously looking at me?" I asked while they helped me out of the car. "He just kept looking back at me with a nervous look on his face. Also I could not tell, but when he looked back it looked like he was blushing."

"He was telling me something before we came to check on you guys and he asked me not to tell you."

When we got inside Logan walked up and asked if it was badly hurt and Nick replied, "Yeah it was so twisted it was almost broken. The doctor told her to stay off it for a few days and take it easy. I hope you people do not mind, but I would like to stay here longer just to make sure Em's ankle is going to be okay. I'll be right back I am going to go outside."

"Would you like some company? I'll come with you." Kevin offered!

"Sure I would like to talk to you about something important. Logan would you come also, please, I need to talk to you both?" Therefore, they walked outside I heard Logan gasp then I heard a scream, Logan came running in gasped out, "Something grabbed Nick."

I started to get up but Logan told me I should stay and keep my ankle propped up and then said sarcastically "And maybe your ghost friend will come back."

"Hey that's real nice." I cried out.

Then they all walked outside to look for Nick except Logan I noticed he sat and was mumbling something, but I could not make out what it was. "Hey are you okay? What is the matter?" I nervously exclaimed.

"I feel it was kind of my fault he was grabbed. I did not even try to help him get away." He muttered.

"You mean it was not a prank by him?" I replied.

"No. I do not think so. I mean he did scream. The thing grabbed his arm really hard and that is why he screamed." He replied. He walked over and sat down next to me. 

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