Jumpy And Scared

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Nick looked at us then at the ground, he smiled to himself for a second then frowned. I looked into Logan's eyes and suddenly I knew he was the perfect boyfriend for me.

"Logan, would you like to go out with me?" I exclaimed. Everyone gasped except for Logan and me.

He smiled as he replied in a whisper, "How about we catch a movie on Friday?"

"Okay." I whispered back. Then I looked at the ground, then I fell asleep laying my head on Logan's shoulder and the next thing I knew Nick or Joe was taking me to my room and laid me down on my bed. When I woke up, I found Logan sitting in a chair by my bed half-asleep. I groaned and then rubbed my eyes as Logan looked at me. "What time is it? I feel like I have been asleep for at least a week."

"You've been asleep for three or four days. Nick is worried he said something is wrong with you. They had the doctor here twice he is coming to check up on you again later."

"Where is everyone else? It's so quiet around here." I replied.

"Well they all had to go to school except Kevin, and he told them I wasn't going to be at school because you are really sick. Nick hasn't gotten any sleep the pass few nights because he was worried about you." Logan explained as I looked at him. "Are you hungry at all? If you are I will go make you some soup or something."

I nodded my head then told him, "Yes I am starving." He ran out of the room and in about five minutes came back with some soup. In a while, we heard the door open, shut, and all of our friends except Nick laughing. Nick walked in my room and looked at me, he looked like he was going to pass out. "Nick maybe you should go get some rest."

"No I am fine. Do not worry about me. Okay?" He replied as I just nodded and stared at him. Suddenly he passed out; Logan walked over to him and shook him. He woke up then walked out and to his room. Logan and me looked at each other and laughed.

Joe walked in and sat down and asked, "Have you guys seen Nick? He fell asleep at school during Language Arts."

"No way he did? That is so cool. He came in just a moment ago but he went to his room and fell asleep." I laughed.

"What is so funny? You two are crazy."

Suddenly I got a sharp pain in my stomach and sat up fast spilling the soup all over me. They both watched terrified as I gripped my stomach Nick was walking by my room just then and when he saw what was going on and yelled for Kevin. Kevin ran in followed by Kelsey and Dominique everyone stared at me.

"You are not helping just standing there! Hello?" I got out. I looked up at them suddenly I smelled smoke. "What's burning? Guys I smell smoke come on we need to get out of the house." I magically poofed all the furniture and clothes and stuff, everyone ran out forgetting about me because I was already out there. While they were focused on the fire and not so much on me; I felt faint and passed out. The only person who saw me pass out was Nick, but he told the rest of my friends; Logan came running over and helped me stand as I woke up.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, but I passed out while he was holding me. "Em, Em. Nick, one of you help me; she has passed out again. We need to get her to a hospital." Nick ran over to help hold me up as Joe called a fire truck and an ambulance. Soon I was at the hospital, but my mind was not, it was off in my dreamland. The doctor told my cousins I was in a coma and they needed to wake me up soon or I would die. Logan sat by my side even after the rest of our friends went back to the cabin.

For a while, Logan sat there not saying a thing just watching me a waiting anxiously to see what I would do. After a while of this Logan thought of one thing, he was hoping it would not come to but did. He kissed me on the lips then went to where Joe was in the waiting room as I woke up. For a while, I did not know where I was, and my head was pounding. I was expecting Logan sitting there but he was not. After a few days of being at the hospital, I have to go home but I had to rest most of the time because I was still sick. A few weeks passed and soon it was Christmas, Logan was avoiding me every chance he could. When Logan could not avoid me, which was when we ate meals, he just ignored me.

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