Logan's Discovery

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When the rest of the group came, back inside I was asleep on the couch and I did not know they had come in without Nick. Logan had gotten up and went outside. I woke up just then and noticed Logan was gone. Man he was really upset. Then he came running inside handed me the crutches I had gotten today and asked me to follow him. He took me and when we got to the place he took me to, we saw Nick. He came running toward us holding his arm and hugged me. We all went back to the cabin. When we got back, Kevin checked over his arm it was not hurt badly just a long scrape that was quickly bandaged. Then hugged me again and asked to speak to me before I went to bed.

"What is it? What happened, I heard you scream?" I was kind of hoping it was going to be good news.

"Well I was grabbed by your little ghost friend said she mixed me up with you."

"What would she need me for?" I whispered. "I mean I thought I was her friend."

"I do not know. I am just glad she did not come and get you."

"So we can't trust her? Maybe if I just talked to her I could find out why she wants me."

Okay that was the best idea I have come up with all up until she showed up, grabbed me, and took me down to the lake, but luckily Logan and Nick followed. Therefore, I asked, "What do you want? I thought we were friends, but I guess I was wrong."

"We are, but I need to show you something. It is my parents I found their bodies."

"Therefore, you grabbed me and took me to the lake to show me your parent's bodies. How did you find them in the lake?"

"I guess someone put them there. I just wanted a friend. I totally understand if you're mad." She cried as she dropped me on the ground. Nick rushed up and helped me stand and Logan rushed to my other side.

"I am sorry if I hurt your feelings, Sara. I did not know why you picked me up and took me to the lake. So you found your parents bodies and not there ghost or spirit?"

"Well I guess there mad at me. The fire was kind of my fault. I was playing in my room when I tossed a cloth on my lamp on accident, when I ran out of room the fire started so I ran outside, but I swallowed so much smoke I could not breathe. My mom called the fire department, but she and my daddy did not get out in time so they were close to ashes. Then I went to the hospital and was pronounced dead. I have two older sisters and two older brothers, but I do not know what happened to them. I remember the 13 year old girl had asthma and I think also had diabetes too."

"Maybe if you hollered out sorry to them their spirits would come and comfort you. It's worth a try." I told her crossing my fingers behind my back.

Therefore, she tried it and her parent's spirits came to comfort her just as I hoped. Logan, Nick and I went back to the cabin. When we got back everybody in the cabin came running out and ask where we were therefore, we told them. Well I fell asleep while Nick was telling some of the story, but I woke as soon as my head touched the table. I told some then Logan did then we went to bed.

The next morning when I woke up I grabbed my crutches went into the kitchen and made breakfast. Nick was next up and was surprised to see me making breakfast. So were Kevin, Logan and Joe. When I saw the look on Nick's face, I laughed, I could not help it. He came over and told me I should set down.

"No I am fine. Breakfast is almost ready anyway." I answered. "How is your arm Nick?"

"Fine, it is feeling better. Em, Logan's right you should set down and stay off your ankle."

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