chapter 14

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"right 10B we are going to be staying on puckpool beach o the next 4 night, we will be joined my students from west high. they are just coming now, they will be mixed into our groups, each group of 4 will have a tent and supplys."

the students from west high come round the corner and stand in a big group.

" right these will be your groups" miss shouts.

"Emilly Samuels, Lilly Everson, Sam black, and Alex dales." hang on... i know That name... Sam black...

"Thats Sam"i wisper to Lilly as we walk over the guys, she looks at him then back t me and squeals,

"OMG hes hooottttt Emily get in there girl before someone else does!" i dont know why but i suddenly feel so protective of Sam like hes mine and no one else can have him.... what is this?!!!! he comes over to me and i smile,

"hey" he says and the he hugs me.

"its so good to see you!! i was so shocked i ddidnt know you were coming here!!! when i heard them call out your name i thought i herd wrong but no!!!" he sounds so happy and shocked! a bit like me,

"Yeah i know same!!!!" i reply. we walk to where the other boy Alex is chatting up Lilly who is also flirting back, to be fair Alex is quite hot, lil will be pleased. we grab our alocated tent and stand away from the others in our little group,

"everyone missed you so much em, how are u??" asks Sam.

" Im okay, at leased Im out of there, i know i wont ever get back into the state i was, a Fe weeks ago i though i would but i didnt, Ive missed you all too!" i say, and he hugs me again. his arms warm and strong around my back.

"hey love birds, ww got to.walk the length of this beach and put our ten up!" Alex shouts while walking away Lillys next to him.

we break apart and run after them, then w both say at the same time,

"WERE JUST FRIENDS!!!" Lilly and Alex both laugh and then i her them wisper something along the lines of "not for long" then they both smile sweetly at us and wink at each other, i dont know what thy are planning but if its got any thing to do with Lilly it will be a Cheeeaakkyyy plan ( sorry inside joke) this weeks goig to be interesting....

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