Leave your favorite mlp shipping in the comments and I'll give my opinion on it. Also sorry if you leave a shipping that i don't like but hey its my opinion.
I will admit, this ship is really cute. The fastest pegasus ever falling in love with the fastest hedgehog ever. It's actually really adorable. Plus I just love the AnimatedJames video Rainbow vs Sonic. I wonder if that's how this ship actually started. If it is that's really cool.
Rating out of 10: 8/10
5 star rating: 5 stars.
Well I made it. 200 chapters of mlp ships. I loved making this book and I could of never imagined it getting here. And even though I don't want to say it....this is the final chapter of the book. But please be on the look out for My Opinion on MLP Shipping 2. I love all of you guys! I'll see you guys next time <3
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