Lola looked out onto the dark street. A lone streetlight illuminated a single spot. Her dad called on her phone. But she ignored him. Lola held up the white rose her boyfriend, Seth, had given her, it was in full bloom. Unfortunately, that night they had broken up. It was over his little brother, who had disappeared five weeks ago. He seemed nervous and jumpy, he was never like that.
" What's wrong Seth." She had asked.
" Nothing." He answered.
"If there's something wrong, you can tell me."
"It's nothing!" Seth yelled. He NEVER yelled at Lola. That just got Lola riled up.
"Fine. My little brother disappeared five weeks ago. And they think they found him." Seth then jumped in his truck and drove away. Leaving poor, defenseless Lola to wonder home by herself. So that's where she was, wondering the streets looking for her house. Lola looked up again, stumbled back words, and screamed. Illuminated by the streetlight was a boy. He looked exactly like Seth's little brother! The only thing that was different were his eyes. They were all black. He took a step forward, Lola scrambled back.
"What are- what are- how- but- I KILLED YOU!!!!!!" She screamed. She blinked and the boy who she thought was dead, was right in front of her.
The police found Lola on the side of the road, her eyes all black. Clutched in her hand was a rose. It was stained red with her blood, yet there was no blood on her person. They also found Seth's truck smashed into a tree, but he was no where to be found.
Home alone with a BEK. ( Black eyed kid short stories)
HorreurRead these terrifying tales of BEKs. A girl home alone. A star on the run A boy who made the worst mistake of his life And more!