twenty four

9K 320 411

10:22 AM

Camila C:

Camila C: im waiting for u downtown of miami by the beach

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Camila C: im waiting for u downtown of miami by the beach

Camila C: get ur beautiful self over here pls


Lauren: You're literally the most beautiful person I have ever seen. Hands down.


Lauren: From your cute little tummy to your sexy stare to how badass you look with your hand on the steering wheel.

Lauren: But wait, who took that picture?

Camila C: awee thanks babe, u always make me feel so good about myself :) i love that about u

Camila C: but my good friend Normani took that picture right now and she thought it would be a fun to send it to u

Camila C: u should bring a friend with u!! we can have a girls day out and then finally do our nothing together tonight :)

Lauren: Perfect! Let her know I'm bringing my friend named Dinah. I'll see you in a few :)


a/n: i cant get over her post oh my god that will forever be my favorite camila picture EVER

would you rather have your first kiss with lauren but lose virginity to camila or have your first kiss with camila and lose your virginity to lauren? (pretend you havent had your first kiss + arent a virgin if you've done both)

Fuckboy Camila (Camren)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя