thirty nine

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The following morning, the first thing the two did was take a shower together. Although Camila seemed to do some good cleaning last night , they still felt somewhat icky.

After finishing up any touches with their usual morning routine, both girls had to part ways. Camila drove back to her house, and the same for Lauren. When Camila arrived home she went straight to her room. Her excited attitude to do absolutely nothing changed once she saw Sofi in her room, but it was the boy with her that made her confused.

"Uh, hi," Sofi said awkwardly.

"Hi?" Camila dragged out in the same tone. The young boy looked down and played with his hands as Camila's gaze practically tore through him.

"I thought you were going to a hotel?"

"Yeah, for a night," Camila explained and Sofi only nodded. Everything was awkward as it is to find her younger sister in her room. How many other times has she been up here? But most importantly, how times has she been in here with boys alone?

"Well it's getting pretty late, I think I'm gonna go."

"Jake, its only 12:45 PM-"

"Bye Sofi!" He managed to say before walking out the door.

"Why was he in here?"

"He wanted to chill," she shrugged casually. Camila rolled her eyes at how naive she was.

"You do realize Mom doesn't let you be alone with boys, right?"

"Who cares? Didn't you have boys alone in your room?"

"No," Camila scoffed, "I didn't, actually."

"Oh right, you're a lesbian," Sofi rolled her eyes dramatically. She got up from Camila's bed to finally exit the room. Camila said nothing, only to be the mature one. She knows enough secrets of Sofi to put against her, but she wasn't about to stoop low to a 15 year old.


After an hour or so of just relaxing on her mattress, Camila couldn't help but be bored. Her mom was at work, all her homework was done, and Sofi was "mad" at her. So she decided to message the only person that kept her sane.

Camila C: babe im super bored

Right when Camila sent the message to Lauren, she got a message from Normani.

Mani: What is this that I'm going on a date with Dinah and you two? I don't know how she got my number, but she texted me about it.

Mila: hey i didnt do anything dont blame it on me

Mani: Well then did you tell your girlfriend about it?

Mila: maybe


Mila: oh come on its not like im forcing a sexuality or even relationship on u. just go out there and have and see what happens. a little change never hurt nobody

Mani: But I'm not trying to get in a relationship right now

Mila: yeah ok. u know u love love

Mani: Anyways what if she's not even into girls?

Mila: she doesnt have to be. but literally anyone with good eyesight would date u so shut up

Mani: Fine. Where is this "date" going to be?

Mila: at a pizza place, i have this friend who works there that's really close to my family

Mila: so dont go too fancy, some jeans and a nice top will do the trick

Mani: Okay, but if she doesn't show up, I'm leaving. I'm not trying to third wheel with you and Lauren.

Mila: we'll probably leave to have sex anyways

Mani: Is your relationship seriously based purely on sex?

Mila: jealous?

Mila: jk but really its not. its a big part of it, but not all of it

Mani: I guess it is always the shy and quiet ones

Mila: beware of em (;



ok but why are lauren's boobs so under appreciated like theyre such a perfect shape and look so soft and smooth

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ok but why are lauren's boobs so under appreciated like theyre such a perfect shape and look so soft and smooth

but speaking of boobs, if you HAD to pick, would you rather have large, nicki minaj-like boobs or small, petite ones like camila's?

- nelly

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