fifty nine

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Sunday, 2:04 AM

"Hey, sleepyhead," Camila cooed quietly as she saw Lauren stir awake. Lauren stretched out her arms widely, causing the blanket to slip off of her body. She instantly realized this and quickly covered herself up.

"Relax," Camila laughed lightly, "it's just me in here."

"Where is everyone?"

"Home," Camila replied simply.

"What time is it?"

Camila glanced back at the clock on Lauren's night stand, "two in the morning."

"Did I seriously sleep through everything?" Lauren asked in astonishment. Her jaw nearly dropped when Camila nodded in agreement. "Oh God, Dinah's gonna kill me!"

"She wanted you and I here, to quote on quote, work things out," Camila said as she put quotation marks around her words.

"Oh, okay," Lauren replied, this time more relaxed. She sat up for a bit to adjust to the timing. This was very much going to mess up her sleeping schedule, considering she was now wide awake.

"Well I'm going to take a bath," Lauren announced as she got up from her bed. Camila's eyes instantly went to her backside, admiring the view that was in front of her. It wasn't even in a sexual manner how Camila was looking at her. It didn't arouse her to see her naked, but simply left her in awe of how beautiful her figure actually is. It was the oddest things that attracted her to Lauren; the way her perfect backside flexes when she reached in her drawer for spare clothes was one thing, but the way her butt compliments her hips so well was another. So many things about Lauren attracted her, yet in no way could Camila ever express that to her. Not because she didn't want to, but because it was simply impossible.

"You're gonna take a bath at two in the morning?"

"Yeah, why not? We're home alone anyways," Lauren shrugged as she closed her drawer and made her way to her bathroom. Before she shut the door, she poked her head out one last time.  "Do you wanna join? We do kinda have a lot to talk about..."

"Yeah," Camila agreed instantly and got up from the bed. Lauren turned back around to go start the bath, while Camila began stripping herself from her clothes. She began with her shirt and jeans, and finished with her bra and underwear. She walked over to the bathroom and saw Lauren already sitting in the tub, pouring soap into the warm water.

Lauren didn't notice Camila walk in until she dipped one foot into the tub, and once Camila got a firm stance, she stepped in with the other and took a seat across from Lauren. Lauren's hands ran through the water to create even more bubbles and once she was satisfied, she laid back and eyed Camila with a small smile.

"What?" Camila grinned bashfully.

"Come here," Lauren mumbled childishly, pouting her lip and opening up her arms. Without hesitation Camila crawled closer to the girl, soon being embraced by Lauren's arms. Although Camila could have stayed in this position for hours, she did actually need to talk about what happened earlier.

"Laur," Camila began as she turned around to face Lauren, "can we discuss what just happened?"

"I was actually hoping we wouldn't have to," Lauren sighed sarcastically, "but sure. What do you want to say?"

"What are we? What does this make us? What does this mean?"

"Well, I know what I want," Lauren told the girl, "I've tried so many ways to contact you...You gave me the cold shoulder, read my messages, ignored my calls, but I told myself I wouldn't give up."

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