Hatchet's got a wrench.

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PointBlanks pov: "com link" "spark bond" "cybatronion" "English" *thoughts*

My optics slowly come online and I see I'm in some kind of medical berth. "You're awake, Blank we really need to stop meeting like this." I hear a familiar grumpy mechs voice followed by him appearing in front of me. "Never have I been so happy to hear your voice Doc-Bot." I state as I sit up slightly and smile at the frowning medic. "Why is it every-time I see you your injured?" Ratchet continues ignoring my statement but returning my smile. "How long was I out?" I ask sitting up all the way and putting a servo to my throbbing helm. "You have been in stais for 2 earth days." Ratch answers scanning me. "Blank you awake?" Lash asks thru the bond sending a wave of hope. I send a wave of love and reassurance and answer "No dumbaft it's a 'con!" before closing the link. "Can I see Lash?" I ask looking at Ratch hopefully. "No! To much stress and you could go back into stasis." Ratch says but seeing my sparkbroken face adds "But you'll see him tomorrow when you get your alt modes." he says rubbing my helm affectionately. *Our sire was his best-freind so Ratch adopted us when our creators were killed by a 'con when we were sparklings*

                                           ~ 45 minutes later ~

Ratchet had done some tests and had been COMed to go to the main hanger. The door opens with a hiss and Lash creeps in. "You okay?" Lash asks striding over and nuzzling my helm with his. "Course it'll take a lot more then Screamer to take me out." I joke bumping our shoulders. "Hide and Epps... the human from before feel really bad." Lash says and I instantly frown. "Well you tell them Ima bolt head and it an't there fault." I say firmly and he nods. The door opens  and in stalks a T-d off Ratchet who throws a wrench at Lash who jumps up and runs thru the door with Ratch chasing him with another wrench ready to throw. I giggle and roll my optics "Mechs.."

Authors Note: Hey since Ima nice person I decided to update my story.. pleaaase vote.


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