Step 1: Background Images

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How To: Make A Cover

Step 1: Background Images

People wonder how to get a background image that relates to your book. Simple! Search on google images something that relates to your story. Like for my story 'Raising Her' about three sisters, all I did was go on google and search 'Three Sisters' and ta-da! I found this picture. With some editing explained in the next few chapters, I turned it into what it is now! Dont like the cover? Nevermind bad example...

Better Example:

Your story's category is Romance...

Search on Google: Couple holding hands or couple kissing or silhouette of couple (silhouette covers are pretty popular!) 

basically anything that simple! And Eureka! you will find images of what you are searching for. Choose an image that you like and click it. When you click it, something wll pop-up. On the left of the pop up your chosen picture will be there. On the top right you will find the name of the picture, the website it came from, the size (for e.g 200 x 200, 134 x 222.) and also a button saying ' more sizes' where you can change the size to your desire.But the wattpad cover size is: 256 x 400. So just try and get that size.

Now the real steps

1: Right click the image thats on the left of the black pop-up

2: Ten options should appear:

Open link in new tab

Open link in new window

Open link in incognito window 

Save link as

Copy link address

Save image as

Copy image URL

Copy image

Open image in new tab

Inspect Element

So many options! Very Confusing! NOT! 

Step3: Click save image. It will open up your desktop. You will then choose a file to save it in and name your picture jpg. click save and then it will automatically close (Dont panic you saved it! It's in your desktop!)

The next phase to How To: Make A Cover is in the next chapter!


How To: Make A Cover♥Where stories live. Discover now