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It happens.

From time to time, the urges deep within my body grab my soul and strangle every ounce of humanity and rational thoughts to near death. Many times I have been saved by my sheer stupidity or my luck of no-one ever being around.

But my stupidity and luck sometimes do not exist in these times. Like tonight.

Sin Bar, the infamous bar that many know carry some dirty secrets within its walls. The authority just ignore this place, knowing the outburst of hate and cries of blood it would cause if they try to shut it down and never can they find evidence to shut this place anyway. The men call it heaven. It has the two fundamental things men love: alcohol and women willing to bend to their whim.

Barman always makes sure to make the drinks more potent with alcohol and in return, we women make sure to give the men a good time so they come back, begging to give their money to us for more fulfilment.

A job I'm not proud to admit to many but it pays very well.

Sitting on my chair, in the corner of the bar, I take pride in watching the men getting drunk and chatting up the other girls who are wearing just their under garments. At least I had a top and mini skirt on. Dignity is a thing I am not quite willing to lose, even in these hard times. Crossing my legs, I get the interested stares of many men, their eyes guessing how much I am worth an hour, or if I am so good I do my rates by the minute. The truth, I do it by what they want but I am limited to what I will do. Kissing, touching, hugging, spooning, pretending to be the girlfriend, yeah I'll do that but I'm not interested in licking parts which haven't been cleaned.

"So you available?"

The voice had startled me out of my daydream. A man, probably late twenties wearing a casual suit was pulling at his sleeves with a cheeky smile on his face. Cologne was strong which made him seem more attractive but I could see the hunger and desperation in his eyes. "I might be," I rise to my feet, I am around five inches smaller than this guy but that makes me all the more desirable. "What you wanting?"

Shrugging, the man's tanned hands go into his pocket. Shaking my head I touch his lips. "I can show you a time without the need to remove your clothes."

Regret filled my lungs. A job is a job I always told myself, even if it means I have to act like a whore. What do I mean by act? I am one. Just not as bad as the others. "Well, got somewhere quiet to do this business?" he takes a step towards me, brushing my dark blood red hair that is completely natural despite everyone's protests.

Gazing into his brown mud eyes I smile. "Come along little lost one," the bar has an upstairs area, which we all call "quiet zone" despite the noises that can be heard from time to time. Rooms on either side of the corridor, some of the doors closed while others lay ajar for use. The lighten was dimmed in the hallway as I finally reached my room.

Inside, a double bed lay against the window along with a chest that holds some items of pleasure and clothes. The man strides in and sits on the bed as I close the door over and lock it. "I like the outfit," the man was getting into his mindset, the one all men have and will show when enough booze is put into them, drawing the oxygen from their brains and letting them commit irrational thoughts.

"So do I, longest skirt I own," a lie, I own one that goes to my ankles but that wouldn't make him pay me more. "Now how about I give you a good time before you go home?" quickly I realise he has a engagement ring. Of course he has to be engaged, two timing low-life.


Not good. I put my hand over my chest, letting my fingers become numb as I listen carefully for a moment. Just my imagination I hope, I draw a deep breath and smile again to the man. A hint of worry was on the man's face but it vanishes when he sees my pearly white smile. "C'mere," he coos.

Leaning in, I kiss his warm tender lips. Beer. Ugh I hate the taste of it and all alcohol but after doing this job for so long, you get used to it. My eyes notice the watch on his right wrist. "A suit wearing man with a fancy watch, my this is my lucky night," I'll be sure to make him pay more if he is well off.

A tiny laugh escapes his mouth. "Work in supplying hospital equipment," he answers me with another kiss.


Yeah…two times…couldn’t have imagined that. Drawing back, a look of confusion floods his face. "Don't like hospitals?" he jokes as he stands up, towering me with his massive hands touching my pale cheeks. Looking into my icy blue eyes, he smiles. "I'll play at being a nice doctor."

Wrapping my arms around his neck loosely, I lean into his ears. "I only like doctors for one thing," I whisper with a tiny giggle.

"Oh and what's that?" the man put his arms around my waist and pulled me in, I could hear his heart racing with excitement and the high of booze.

Dropping my head into his shoulders, I scoff. "They have blood everywhere."

I feel the skin on my back ripping apart. The growth of mutated skin, muscle and bones comes out like a third monstrous hand, blood dripping as the man realises the doom that is about to behold him. A tiny scream tries to leave his mouth but the third hand smashes its palm into its mouth and silences him.

My mouth clamps around his neck as I feel my teeth too mutating into sharp thorn pincers and stabbing through the neck and veins. The warmth of blood rushes into my throat, quenching the thirst I tried too hard to hold back but could no longer resist. The iron tickles my tongue and the hidden tastes enlighten my mind.

Struggling, the man tries to squirm away but he's immobile with his blood being fed upon and his sight and speech being taken by the hand. Drain him, I hear the calls in my mind. Resisting was no longer an option, I was too far gone to try and stop because if I did and this man lived, he'd obviously tell everyone who I am.

More of a what I am.

Blood continues to run through my empty veins into the organ in which no other possess. I have not named this organ but its where the blood goes, to feed not just myself but the creature of hell that lives within me. I feel my right shoulder blade ripping apart as a smaller hand emerges, puzzled, the hand decides to be a torturer for a moment and beings to play the drum with the man's genitals.

Cruel this fate was. But fate has already been cruel to me.

Dry, the man's dead body hit the ground as I take a few steps back. The two mutated hands seem satisfied with the blood and bury deep into my body, back into the nameless organ that lies within me. Licking the blood off my lips, I kneel down beside the dead man.

It had started. The holes in the man's neck begin to open wider as I see the mutation had gotten into his body but his death means it has nothing else to do but one thing - eat the host. This mutation isn't interested in clothes or items, oh no, it loves skin, blood, muscles.

All it wants is life to feed on an grow.

While the mutation eats away at the man's body, I reach into his pockets and bring out his phone and wallet. A Smartphone, that probably has tracking on it. I open my mouth and eat the phone. They are getting bigger by the years, it was certainly more than a mouthful to chomp down but I was assisted by the mutation in my teeth, they tore at the phone knowing what its existence might do.

Opening the wallet, I find this man was loaded. Over one hundred and fifty notes plus his credit and debit cards along with ID. I examine the ID which was his work pass. A Mr Jonathon Marco, one of the four top bosses whom work at the Geri Na Hospital.

Oh this night was delightful.

Taking the money, I place it on the table. Finally the mutation had finished devouring the man, leaving just his snazzy clothes. Picking them up, I open the chest that was filled with the clothes. The clothes of my previous men whom have not walked out alive.

Shoving the money and ID card between my boobs. I unlock the door of my room. I knew guilt would be sure to follow in the morning but for now, the mutation was still having its effect on my brain and thoughts. I could feel my heart starting to slow down, to the point it will no longer be pumping the empty carcass body I was.

For now, I had the ecstasy of being a vampire.

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