1- Dreams Come to Life

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"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "I gave you my everything! For fuck sake, I gave up my biggest dreams for you! And you repay me by sleeping with that slut! I hate you! You asshole! I never wanna see you again! Get out of my life!" He gripped my hands looked me straight in the eye. 

"Babe, calm down. I didn't do anything with her. I promise you, I was drugged! You have to believe me! Please believe me. I could never hurt you like that." "You're lying!" I countered, tears streaming down my face. "I knew you were a player before we got together but you made me believe that you wouldn't do that to me. I trusted you! I was so stupid and naive!" I began punching his chest, crying my eyes out and cursing at him. 

"Liz, listen to me! Please!" "No! All you say is lies! You never tell the truth!" He grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me into his arms, engulfing me into a hug. I tried wiggling free but his grip was too strong. Finally, I gave in and hugged him back, pulling him in impossibly closer, inhaling his intoxicating scent. "How could you?" I whispered. "I didn't Liz. I promise you. You are my one and only babe," he cooed. "My one and only."

I shot up. Feeling lost for a second I toke in my surroundings. With the familiar feel of my bed covers under my fingertips, I began to relax. 'It was just dream,' I chanted, 'an awful, heartbreaking dream.' Who was that boy? Why did he call me Liz? Did I know him? Did he know me? Where is he from? 

So many questions ran through my mind, never finding the right answer for each one. "Bells! Wake up sis! School today, gotta get ready!" my brother shouted through the door. "I'm up!" I shouted back. I started to stretch then walked over to my en suite. Taking in my appearance, I smiled when I saw that my face and hair weren't messy in any way. My mom always said, I was blessed with good looks, never getting messed up. 

I walked back into my room, grabbed the things I needed for a shower then went back to the en suite. After a warm, refreshing, 30 minute shower, I got ready for the day ahead. I applied some mascara and light lip gloss, brushing my hair and tying it into a side braid, then got dressed for school. I chose to wear a loose navy blue tank top, with denim shorts and black flats. 

I was the first day back in school, senior year. Time flew by pretty quick. I grabbed my book bag and cell phone then skipped downstairs to the kitchen, seeing Mary, our cook, making chocolate chip pancakes for Jake, Kyle and I. "Morning Mary!" I greeted happily. 

I walked over and gave her a warm side hug. Mary worked for our family since before Jake was born. She's in her late 50's and has the biggest heart you could imagine. She is practically part of the family. Mom says she loves Mary like a mother. I consider her like a second mother. Whenever mom couldn't help me with a problem, Mary was there instead. 

"Good morning Isabella. How'd you sleep sweetie?" I smiled at her and said, "Pretty good thanks. Just weird dreams again." She looked at me knowingly, understanding what I meant. When I was 12 I used to have weird dreams of being some other person, living her life as my own. It felt surreal. "Again? What was it this time?" she asked. "Just the usual thing you know, being some girl, she was dealing with this problem with her boyfriend. It was strange. I felt like I knew him before, though I've never seen him before. He called me Liz." She looked at me then shook her head. "Strange," she muttered. 

Jake and Kyle then came in and joined the conversation. We talked about the new school year that was starting, how Jake was starting his 3rd year of law school and Kyle his 1st year of university. After breakfast, we parted ways, and I headed over to my baby. For my birthday last month, my parents got me a 2014 Camaro z28. I loved my car! She was a beauty. 

I stepped into my car and started the engine. The car roared to life and I smiled as I gripped the steering wheel. 'Time for school,' I thought. I turned the radio on and the short ride was filled with the words of Ed Sheeran's song "The A Team." When I arrived in the parking lot of St. Adrian's High School, I parked in my usual spot. 

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