Very Unwelcome Emotions

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Hey ,

I'm sorry I took so long to update . I suck .

Anyway , this is just a filler chapter . I promise the next few chapters will have more Delena .

Thanks for reading , and I hope you enjoy this chapter .

Until next time ,

Katie .


Very Unwelcome Emotions

Elena's POV

Elena glanced down at her homework , wondering why she was doing it on a Friday night . Friday nights were meant to be fun , and Elena no longer had fun .

She groaned , and threw her homework and the large book she had been leaning on , across the room .

“Whoa . Are you trying to kill me ?” A voice came from the corner of the room . Elena screamed . Who the hell ?

The person stepped forward , and Elena gasped . Of course , Damon .

He came toward her , in all his power and glory .

“Hello Elena ” He said , voice smooth and icy blue eyes glistening with amusement . Elena stared . Why the hell , was Damon Salvatore in her bedroom , at 8pm on a Friday night ?

Damon stepped towards her , power radiating off him in waves . He was so different from Stefan , so much darker , and more mysterious . And that is exactly what attracted Elena to Damon , more than she was attracted to Stefan .

“Why are you here ?” Elena asked . Damon raised his eyebrows in a wouldn't-you-like-to-know expression .

“Just wanted to see how you're doing . Stefan's sulking , just thought I should tell you . Don't ask me why ”

Elena frowned . Damon nodded . Stefan was sulking , why ? He'd seemed fine when she'd left the Boarding House yesterday . Elena immediately came to the first conclusion she thought of .

“What did you do ?”

Damon pulled a mock hurt expression . Elena knew he'd done something , it was obvious in his face . What had Damon done , and why was he not telling her ?

“Elena . I never knew you had it in you . You assume , that I am the reason brother dearest is sulking . That hurts Elena , and there I was , thinking we could be friends . Oh well , bye ”

Damon said . He turned towards the window , opening it . Elena stared , then spoke up .

“Don't . Don't go . Please tell me ”

Damon spun around , smiling .

“God Elena , if you wanted me to stay that badly you should've just asked ”

Damon smirked again , and Elena felt her heart almost stop . His eyes , were almost pools of water , not hard indestructible blocks of ice they usually were .

Elena tried not to argue back , and Damon stepped forward , eyes softening .

“Sorry” Damon said , bowing his head . Elena stared at him , surprised . Did Damon just apologise ?

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