Chapter 14: Non people person *Alert Alert*

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Brooke pulled into the mall parking lot letting us all climb out as she took the truck and parked it. Brooke ran over and caught up to us taking lacey's hand and lead her into j c penny.

We walked over to the womens and started dress shopping I found a dress that was tan and the farther it went down the color changed more into blue. I had all the girls come over to the dressing room as I tried on the dress. Aleks watching too. I opened the door and walked out in the dress as brooke's eyes widened in satisfaction.

"that's the one!" she squealed. I looked down at the dress than "it's true babe it's the one you'll look hot" I heard a deep voice say from behind me. I turned around to..


"what are you doing here?" Brooke growled. "whoah calm down broke" she growled like a cat and I mean a fucking pissed cat.

"stop calling me broke!" she screeched. He let out a deep chuckle as he crossed his arms. I scoffed and walked back into the dressing room changing. I pulled the dress over my arm as I walked back out of the dressing room and I walked to the shoes grabbing tan heels. I handed the items to aleks as he carried them for me.

"oh is this your new boy toy?" he said grinning.

"I knew you were a little whore after you left me" I slowly turned my heels to face him with a face full of shock tears welling up in my eyes.

"yo-you told me that you cheated on me and didn't want to go on anymore, I didn't do anything I was just celebrating our two year anniversary" I choked out the beginning as I rushed through tears almost falling. I took the things from aleks and paid for them having them walk out.

"aleks go" I said looking him the eyes. He shook his head "I'm not leaving you alone, just go!" I screeched. He backed away as I looked at kacey.

He had a grin on his face and I'm about to make it go away. "your a man whore who needs to stop breaking girls hearts, your a player, cheater, a man whore like I said before and you won't change" he crossed his arms still with that dumb ass smirk on his face as I tried not to cry.

"you don't deserve a girl like any of the girls in the world except one" he gave out a snort. "who?" he sang.

"your slut ass sister" his eyes darted at me as he thought about her. "yeah she sleeps with everyone in school she sometimes doesn't even come cause she's too fucked up" I curled the end of the finger I was pointing as he took a step forward. "so how about you go fuck her instead of fucking with girl's hearts" I walked out but was caught by a tight hand on my wrist.

"no one ever says that about Georgie" he spat holding my wrist tighter making me wince. I heard a cackle be cut off as I heard a thud and the grip on my wrist loosened.

I slowly opened my eyes to Brooke and Courtney with aleks attacking kacey as he laid there holding his mouth. "hey prissy boy learn to take a punch!" Courtney yelled. Brooke let out a laugh as I looked to where lacey stood with Erin looking at shoes. Thank god she didn't see this. Aleks ran over and crouched in front of me putting is hands on my shoulders holding me back looking me in the face.

"you alright?" he assured. I nodded and he smiled showing his teeth. He helped me up with my bag. We walked further into the mall leaving kacey to lay in pain.

We went up the escalator aleks directly behind me. We all stepped off the escalator. I immediately grabbed aleks hand and dragged him to the game store. I was blushing as my hand touched his, I ran through the mall dragging him behind with the others closely behind.

We all walked into game stop and I immediately went to the Xbox games. A worker walked over with a grin.

"excuse me, do you need any help with what your looking for today?" he crossed his arms looking me up and down. I raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "not really looking for anything specific just browsing" he nodded as aleks called me over to him.

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