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Since we were both 'weak' and 'helpless' humans that were drained by Pervert's cruel and harsh thirst, we were given a day off-Second day of school and were absent?!- and we have the manor all by ourselves. Well, us and the creepy servants in here.

After the both of us ate together with her cooking a delicious omelet, we decided that she'll be roaming around the manor while I'll enjoy the pool- what? Just because I almost drowned there doesn't mean I was traumatised.

Oh no I wasn't, I was traumatised by Ayato. Not the pool. Getting scared of the pool would be injustice! Besides, the brothers would be gone for hours. That would give me all the time to spent in the pool!

So now, heading towards the pool, dressed in a long-sleeve dark blue dress and blue flats with a white scarf on my neck, and with a hand on a basket of food and my own towel, I merrily went on my way.

Few more minutes,

" phew! That was certainly a long walk!" I wiped a sweat from my brow before grinning and placing my things on the couch.

" With the brothers gone and I have this all by myself, I'd like to enjoy this for the remaining time I have! So if theres anyone there, show yourselves and get out!" I annouched, I know. I'm so rude. But who cares?

No one came out and no one came in, deciding I was alone. I set down my scarf and took off my dress revealing a white, colored-flowered swimsuit . I folded my dress neatly and I also set aside my flats.

Then I turned my attention to the pool, and stared at it.

" Ok, maybe I am scared. Just a little bit..." I shook my head and my eyes burned with the determination" I can do this! I can!" And then slowly and carefully, I entered into the water.

" Good, this one is just my height." I nodded and began enjoying the water. Before I knew it, I was diving and swimming.

" This is so fun!"

Hours later, unnoticed,

" This is soooo fun!" I said as I sat on the side and while munching on a delicious sandwich Nee-san made, I played the water with my feet, pushing it in the water back and forth.

As I enjoyed my food, and the water on my feet, I didn't notice someone sneaking behind me and thus, I didn't notice it till I was pushed.

" Kya!" And into the water I go,

I kicked my feet under water since this part was deep and I quickly grab onto the side, I panted and casting a downcast look at the floating, wet sandwich before glaring at the culprit.

And he was laughing!

" Hahahaha! Your face! Oh dear sweet hell, your face was priceless!!! " Ayato the perverted, sadistic creep laughed, I shot him a glare " Pervert! The hell did you do that for?! Look! My poor, delicious sandwich is now wet and floats on the water! What are you going to do about that?!" I yelled, pointing to the sad sandwich floating not too far from me.

He look at me devoid of emotion before bursting into laughter " Hahaha! Just for fun! And it IS fun! For me that is! Hahaha!" He said crouching on where I was,

Then an idea popped in my mind and I sunk low enough to hide my smirk. Grabbing onto the sides, I moved myself infront of him who was still laughing as he crouched.

" You'll regret that." I simply said and he stopped laughing, casting me a confused look " Huh? What do you meeean-?! Screw You!" He yells as I pull him down into the water.

I giggled as I smirked at him " Serves you right!" Then grabbing onto the side, I moved to the 'Low Area' as I dubbed it.

At least that was my plan, and it was ruined when Perverted grabbing me by my waist " Eek!" He scowls at me, all wet before smirking " You think I'll let you just get away that easily?"

Ok, this is getting deja vu. Well, not so much but still..

I trashed in his hold and I splashed the water in his face, screaming " LET ME GO YOU PERVERT! IDIOT!" I screamed and screamed till I guess, till he gets enough of it?

" If you don't shut your mouth, I will shut your mouth." I glared at him " I dare you" I, stupidly, challenged. Regretting it as I saw a twisted smirk on his face, I tried to say " Nevermind-HYAAAAH!" I screamed as he threw me in the middle of the pool, which was deep.

I kicked my feet and tried to make myself float by splashing the water with my arms. Which I am getting tired off.

" Heh, now would you look at yourself. You look absolutely pathetic." I gained a tick mark as he continued to yap on " Well, atleast you aren't like Pancake. But still loli-" " D-dont call me that cough " " I'll call you that because I can and I will, just be proud of yourself your going to learn how to swim."

I glared at him before spitting all the water I had on him " Hah! Beat that!"

He glares at me " Ok, thats it. Your getting it." " uh oh.." " You regret making Ore-sama mad!" And then I tried to swim far away, I don't even care if my legs and arms hurt. As long as I am very, very far away from him, I'll be s-

" Gotcha." I let out a squeak as I felt arms around my face and hot breathe on my neck. I felt my face reddened slightly. This is awfully familiar. Like in my nightmare.

" P-Pervert-hyAAH! HEY!" I yelled at him as I felt a slap on my left thigh " Freaking keep your hands to yourself you pedophile! I'm just a kid!" I yelled,

He raises his eyebrow at me " Do you know how a baby is made?" My cheeks were probably tomato red since it felt hot " Hah! Your not just any kid! You even know how-" " Its because I was forced too!" God, I don't even want to remember how Tougo-san tried to explain the birds and the bees to me. Detail by detail.

I shuddered. That was the time I vowed I would NEVER get married. Ever.

Then the mood changed, I gulped as I saw his eyes darkned and I tried to swim away from him but the grip on my waist was tight " A-ayato... pervert...let's settle this in another way k-kay?" I stuttered but he didn't answer and I started to panick " H-hey, I-I kinda want to rest s-so please l-let go o-of me-" I stopped stuttering when he chuckled darkly, his eyes bored into mine.

He grabs my chin and lifts it up so he can get a better view of my face " This is how I like it. The fear and terror you have on." He grins " This are the ones that gets my juices flowing."

I trembled in his hold as I caught a glimpse on his fangs baring wide " I'm thirsty. " he said and then I tried, I really did tried to escape but it was futile.

His fangs sinks in another part of my neck and I whimpered " i-iitai.. it hurts... A-ayato..."

We started to stop floating and sink. My eyes widened and I struggled to pull myself only to wince at the pain " Stop moving. Your only going to get hurt yourself." I stopped and clenched my eyes tightly.

His bite was even harder that I released my air, turning into bubbles and his grip on my small, fragile waist tightened. I am getting my self killed. Not just getting my blood get sucked out but also getting myself squeezed to death.

I felt energy from me draining and I felt myself getting weaker and sleepy. The familiar experience of getting drowned ushered me to go to sleep even more and I fell to the arms or the darkness.

But before losing consciousness. I briefly felt something soft touching my lips.

Let The Blood Spill *Diabolik Lovers*Where stories live. Discover now