Sleepless Curse

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"A tainted soul of darkness her beauty is a curse"

A LOUD SCREAM ripped through my ears, making me cringe.

The rush of endorphins is all I can focus on as the sweet silky substance glides down my throat. It's a fast process, and as soon as I feel my victims pulse slow down, I force myself to stop. I refuse to take anymore because if I decide to go any further, she wouldn't have a pulse at all.

I can't bear myself the thought of taking a life because as much as I tell myself I am not a monster, I don't want to give Cale the satisfaction of confirming it by acting like one.

And killing a human was something I told myself I will never do, regardless of how hungry I was at the time. Even thinking about it is enough to warrant my food to spring loose, but I contain myself.

I retracted my fangs, and swipe a handkerchief over my mouth to rid of the residue and sigh. I hate this. One glance at the young woman, and I know she's done for. Her eyes are slit and heavy, fighting fatigue, while her hair sways forward because her head is struggling to stay up.

My eyes dim slightly. "I'm sorry," I whispered as some kind of apology to her, as if doing so would erase the guilt. She's too out of it to reply, so I settled her back down on the nearest seat in Central Park and call her a cab.  It's almost ten o clock at night, the stars are out, and the park is particularly quiet—though there's a few night strollers still out. I didn't want to leave the young woman alone, especially at this time of night so I called her a cab and left a fifty dollar bill on her purse. I stayed to make sure she was safely in the cab while keeping obscured behind the trees before I disappeared into the night.

The guilt following close behind me.

Prowling the lively night streets of New York, I watched party goers walk through half-lit alley ways, where the act of something so careless could be their very last social scene if someone like me decided their own fate. I watched business workers pass with purpose as they checked into hotels sporting a flash car and a pretty blonde that probably pays by the hour, while their wives sit at home wishing they didn't have to "work late". I now realized that Americans were careless. I couldn't understand why they weren't at home safely behind locked doors.

It's where I wish I was before I met Cale that night where my life took a U-turn into Hell.

Suddenly, a flicker of silver caught my eyes. It was only slight, but it was enough to lure me in to the darkened alley where I'd spotted it.   My senses picked up on a human and my nose guided me in the next direction. Even though I'd recently fed, it wasn't enough. My thirst still needed to be quenched. As I got closer, I could just make the silhouette of a young male, and as I walked further into the alley, where the dark obscured him completely my stomach growled in anticipation.

My vampire eyes, however, allowed me to see him clearly.

He was tall, lean and about six two if I had to guess and I could tell he maintained himself just judging by how his leather jacket fit his broad shoulders. He looked no older than 19, but something about the way he carried himself made him seem older. I watched him part from a loud crowd and crossed the half-lit pavements to the other side of the street—never once sparing a glance back at me.

He's alone, and heading toward a secluded alley, what more can you ask for? A voice conjured up in my head, as my legs followed in suit.

My heels hit the pavements soundlessly, as my midnight blue Alexander McQueen dress skimmed along behind me. The sheer fabric under the lace greeted the moonlights glow as I casted my gray-blue eyes over the streets for potential onlookers, but the coast was clear so I kept on his trails.

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