Beauty and the Beast (Robin slash Beast Boy) Teen Titans fanfiction

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Robin and Beast Boy discover feelings for each other. Characters: Robin/ Dick Grayson and Beast Boy/Gar (Teen Titans) I did not make up these characters (Cartoon Network), but the story I did. Warning: NC-17, boyXboy, and slight language. Beauty and the Beast © Copyright 2013 by CodyBear023 Wattpad

For all those people who watched Teen Titans TV show! Totally shipping Robin and Beast Boy.. Or me ruining their childhood memories.. bloop, either one :)


Beast boy walked down the long dark corridor to Robin's room, the automatic door opening with a Psshhhh.

"Yo, Robin, have you seen my boom bo--?"

He looks up to see Robin, mid-putting on his sleepshirt, an extra large, white cotton t-shirt lifted above his head. Beast Boy's eyes ate up the long pale strip of Robin's bare body before it got covered by the thin white cloth. Robin's head pops up through the neck hole.

"BEAST BOY! How long have you been standing there?!" Robin yells, his eye twitching behind his mask, a bright crimson appearing on his cheeks.

Beast Boy stood in the doorway before he shook his head and snapped out the trance.

"Oh? huh? what was that?" He asked, a sweat-bead appearing on his forehead as he put his hand on the back of his head in awkwardness.

"What are you doing in here Beast Boy?" Robin asked, crossing his arms across his chest and tapping his foot impatiently. In the process, unknowingly raising the hem of his shirt a little bit further up his thighs.

"Oh yeah.. Um.. I-I-I was just.. um.. Heh. never mind!!" Beast Boy stuttered before running away, the door closing behind him.

Beast Boy ran, and didn't stop until he was in the safety of his own room. He leaned against the closed door, his heart thudding in his green pointed ears.


Hope you guys like how it's going so far! Please comment and like for more!! :)

Thanks for all the reads on At School!! You are all amazing! :)

Beauty and the Beast (Robin slash Beast Boy) Teen Titans fanfiction (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now