Chapter 14

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A/N: what did I say ;) 100+ views and you guys kept that up... Sooo, yeah! Here it is, chapter 14!

"Dang it!" Beast Boy whisper-yelled as he got in his room. He slammed his clothes to the floor and groaned.

"That was so stupid!"

He stomped, kicking a article of clothing as he made his way to the bathroom.

"What was I thinking?!" His reflection lip synced back at him. It scrunched up in a tight grimace as it ran green fingers through it's disheveled hair.

He stared into those dark green eyes, searching for--

Robin's beautiful eyes strobed against his memory.

He shook his head.

"No, I can't do this right now. We have to fight crime, and be a team." Beast Boy said, pulling the skin of his cheeks down, exposing the pink underneath his eyeballs.

"Beast Boy, you haven't slept well, you're getting bags..."

He slumped over to the shower and turned it on. He stepped in and felt the warm water rush down his shoulders.

"Oh Shoot!" He exclaimed, suddenly loosing his footing in the cubicle and slipping to his butt.

"That was Robin's first time!" He echoed as the water pushed his bangs into his eyes.


"You did very well!" Starfire cheered as she floated beside Beast Boy.

"You were faster than a Borfsnazl."

"Aww, nah, it was nothing." He giggled, clapping a hand on her shoulder.

Robin walked with Cyborg and Raven, discussing future places the bombs could be hidden if LeBlanc escaped again.

Beast Boy and Robin hadn't talked since the "incident," and the awkward tensions had simmered down a bit so they could work as one in finding the hidden bombs.

Beast Boy had been the most helpful when they realized that they were hidden in unusual places. So it was up to the changeling to morph into something to get to it and defuse it.

After they had collected, and properly disposed of all of them, they stopped for pizza. The Teen Titans sat together at their usual spot on the roof of the restaurant and watched the sky turn red with the setting sun.

After it was dark they headed back to the T-tower and parted to their separate rooms to get a good nights rest for another big day.

Beast Boy was all too quick to run to his room and empty the contents of his pockets.

In town he had snuck away from them just for a second to slip into the pharmacy and buy a couple things.

He pulled out a box of condoms and a tube of lube.

He then went over to the window and opened it. The coolness wafted in with the smell of the bay and he jumped out.

He closed his eyes. He felt the cold night air pressing against his cheeks and then ruffling his soft feathers. The smooth wind breaking past his beak.

He opened his eyes and caught the air with his wings and soared upward as a hawk. He searched the ground and spotted what he wanted and swooped down, he circled a little patch of wild daisies near the base of the tower and dove. He landed and snipped a couple with his beak and took off with the bouquet clenched in his mouth.

He perched himself back onto the windowsill of his room and changed back to his normal beastly self. He hopped down and reach up to grab the bunch of flowers from his teeth. He spit out some leaves and held up his prize.

He grinned as he put them in an old empty glass and went to the bathroom to fill it up. He then stripped and hopped into the shower. He was quick as he lathered up, rinsed, shampooed and conditioned, then rinsed.

He stepped out then dried off. He wrapped the towel around his waist and plugged in the hair dryer.

He leaned over and inhaled the sweet smell of the flowery fragrance, his face about splitting in two as it tickled him with excitement at what he was about to do.

Maybe he could try a different hairstyle for this occasion, he thought as he reached up and combed his bangs.

What about a side-part and a schoolboy sweep he thought.

A little slicking of hair gel and...


No. Um, maybe a punk-boy rocker look...

Some combing and pulling.


Maybe a spiked look...

A little more hair gel and blow drying...

Definitely No...

Maybe just my usual then, heh.

He finished doing his hair in his regular up do and nodded in approval at his mirror.

He then sprayed on a ton of cologne. But then felt he had put on too much and tried to rinse it off.

He settled on a subtle musk and headed back out to his room. He had cleaned all his clothes earlier that day because he knew he wanted to have something to wear tonight so he had hogged the laundry room all day.

He picked out a pair of grey sweatpants, his favorite boxers, and a blue t-shirt. He put them on and looked in the full length mirror.

Not sexy enough. Too subtle.

He pulled off the shirt and took off his boxers so he was going commando under his sweats.

Maybe too direct.

He pushed down the pants and chose a pair of red shorts and put them on with his boxers.

Mmm, not yet, maybe just alittle more.

He picked out a black tank-top and slipped it over his head and fit it snugly around his small waist.


He grabbed the flowers from the makeshift vase and shoved the condoms and lube into his pocket. He then checked his reflection one last time.

He adjusted his shirt and brushed a stray hair back into it's spot. He looked straight into the his mirrored eyes and took a shaky breath.

"P-please. I want you to take these flowers, I got them for you."


"I am so sorry about what happened earlier."

"I-I want your first time to be memorable..."

"Please forgive me."

He said aloud.

He looked down and saw the flowers shaking softly in his fingers.

He pulled his face back up to search his reflection.

He tightened his grip on the flowers and found his dark jade eyes. He saw his pupils dilate and his face softened as he whispered.

"I love you."

Beauty and the Beast (Robin slash Beast Boy) Teen Titans fanfiction (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now