Chapter 19 Ugh You All Are Probably Going to Hate Me

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Argh, u guys are going to hate me so much!

"Beep Beep--"

Beast Boy groaned,

"No way."

"Come on." Robin grunted as he sat up, reaching over to the side table and grabbing his communicator.

Beast Boy whined as Robin's naked body got up out of the bed, grabbing a uniform from the closet and locking himself in the bathroom.

Beast Boy knew this workaholic would never let anything get in his way of fighting injustice.

Beast Boy shook his head as he pulled the rubber off and pulled his pants up, leaving Robin's room to go get ready...


"Titans Trouble!" Robin said once everyone had collected into the main room.

"Johnny Rancid is robbing the bank and we need to stop him!" Robin said slamming his fists.

"Let's Go!"


"It's Pizza Time! Booyah!!" Cyborg chanted, punching the air.

"Ohh Yeeaah!" Beast Boy agreed high fiveing the cybertronic teen.

"You guys know it's twelve in the morning right? Raven said dryly, her eyes glowing in the darkness.

"So? Fighting Rancid really worked up my appetite." Cyborg said.

"Yes, fighting the Rancid did make me quite hungry." Starfire piped up.

"Whatever." The half daemon girl said dully as they all made there way to their traditional Pizza restaurant for a midnight snack. They all sat down at their usual roof table and thanked the waitress after she took their usual orders.

Since the restaurant had become their usual place to eat, the owner made it open 24 hour so the hungry teens could come at any time of the day. It was the least he could do for the city's crime fighting squad.

Once all the food arrived Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Starfire all began to dig in as Raven and Robin only nibbled on theirs.

"You've been quiet all night Robin, what's up?" Raven inquired looking up from her pizza to watch the masked teen.

He was staring off at the Bay, the cool sea breeze ruffling his hair.

"Oh, nothing." The boy sighed taking a small bite of his pizza.

"Is it because of what we saw earlier?" Raven said making the Boy Wonder's head snap to look at her.

It had fallen silent, the chowing noises had ceased and it was suddenly replaced by the hacking sound of Beast Boy choking.

Starfire shrieked as she slammed forcefully on Beast Boy's back trying to dislodge the food that had mysteriously caught in his throat.

Cyborg knocked over a glass of water trying to retrieve it to revive his friend and made a mess all over the left over pie.

Finally after a few rib breaking slaps on the younger boy's back the Changeling coughed up the offending cheese.

Beauty and the Beast (Robin slash Beast Boy) Teen Titans fanfiction (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now