Chapter 37

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(Guys I'm so sorry about putting this story on hold. I'm battling a really bad depression as well as I have the feeling that no one in my family and friends care about me at all. Also, I will have a little surprise later on for this story [mostly because this story is about a year old now! :0]. For now, things will get even rockier!

(Y/N) P.O.V.

Another year went by for you. You didn't want to believe it, but it has. Goku kept visiting you so often for training it caught you off guard. So off guard you remembered his arrival like hours ago. Trunks didn't even want to believe the passing of time either. 

You were fixing stuff in the room you and Trunks shared (though you two wished to do even dirtier stuff, you two refrained from doing so). Moving heavy boxes no longer became a hassle from your once-invisible power level, since you suddenly jumped from a feeble little gal to someone who can easily hurt someone without knowing. As you moved boxes, a photo just so happen to drop onto the floor. 

Curious, you stopped what you were doing and picked up the photo. You smiled, remembering the time the photo was taken. The picture displayed you, Trunks, Odin, and Bulla, smiling like everything is fine. Almost got you to believe everything is one-hundred percent fine... 

...But it isn't. 

Odin hasn't even visited you since last year, getting you even more worried about him. The word of you-know-whom (not Voldemort) growing even more violent scared you even more. Of course, now would have been the time where you would ask your mother for help, but remembering how big of a jerk she was you didn't want to. Sure you miss her, but not that much. 

Trunks walked into the room. "Hey (Y/N)." 

"Hello," you responded. "Anything?" 

"More violence, more deaths, and more enslaved. I'm even scared of checking up on things now. We would stop this, but somehow you-know-whom got way stronger than last time. I can't fight him alone, nor can Gohan. Not even Goku can stop him. Unfortunately, there's no way we could ever win this." 

"Trunks, please don't give up." 

"What's the point?! We're gonna die, you're gonna be abused, and the whole Earth will be in remains! There's no one out there who can surpass his power!"

"How about I try to stop him?" 

He looked at you, surprised. "You can't stop him! I know you think you can do this, but I can't risk it!" 

"Trunks, stop doubting!" 

"How?! I've seen how strong he was, and at this point in time, I'm now utterly terrified! And you still not even used to your new power still gets me worried! If you fight him, then we're all doomed! I can't risk it!" 

"Why are you doubting me? Trunks, this isn't you! Please calm down!" 

"I can't risk it!" 

"Risk what? More deaths?! More enslaved?! What don't you want to risk?!" 


There was a silence. 

Trunks P.O.V. 

I can't believe it...

I screamed at my own lover. Gosh, I feel so stupid. Why did I do that? 

...It's because I'm so scared of losing her. So scared I think I'm crying from it. I don't know how men cry, but I do out of this greatest fear of mine. I would hate myself if she were to die from fighting such brute. 

She looked at me, concerned about me. She grabbed my arm, in an effort to calm me down. Later, she hugged me. "I won't do so, if it means leaving you like this for the rest of your days." 

I hugged her back. I didn't say anything, actually. Didn't even feel like saying anything. 

"I'm so sorry, Trunks. I didn't mean to hurt you in any way." 

"You never did hurt me," I finally managed to say. "You just helped me realize my own fears." 

"But I did hurt you. You were crying from it." 

"You never did." I held onto her a little tighter. "You never hurt me." 

"But I—,"

"Please don't take it that far. You never did hurt me." I tilted her head up toward me... and I kissed her. "I love you. Please don't forget that." 

{And this is the part where I'll have to cut that off. Don't worry. There will be a separate chapter for this next part.}

(Y/N) P.O.V.

You sat by the tree, thinking of many things. Even though you share many things with Trunks, there are just some things you didn't even bother telling him. The time where you-know-whom tore off most of your clothes in utter rage. Tarble making ridiculous jokes about Trunks in his childhood. The kiss between you and Goten. 

Oh shoot. 

As much as you tried to get that thought out of your head, you can't seem to do so. The thought remains, and you can't even stand it. You hit your head on the tree, slapped yourself a couple of times, and you even fell down the tree! Still, nothing. You covered your eyes as you knew what will be happening next... 

Goten P.O.V. 

I honestly hate my life right now. My mother turned against me, my dad and older brother is gone most of the time, and my school friends are all dead! For now, I'm enslaved to the biggest jerk in the whole universe. Freaking Beerus and Whis don't want anything to do with it because of "too much drama" and "not enough action". The only drama for that guy is no more pudding! 

Now that I think of it, I've given up on (Y/N). She's been playing hard to get for so long. I know that everyone changes in two plus years, so I highly doubt that she's the same gal that I remember. Plus, she got Trunks. She won't go anywhere near me when Trunks is around. So much to say about this, but all in all, there's no way in Hell I would finally win her love. Might as well give up on it. There's plenty other fish in the sea. 

I have become one of Broly's slaves... well, more like his personal bounty hunter, but still a slave in a way. If I didn't deny, I would have been dead once more. Sucks how I don't get any food unless he's in a good mood, which is never, so I rely of the flesh of the animals trying to survive. Man, I wish that a-hole never existed. There's no way I'll ever be free unless either the guy dies or I finally turn in (Y/N). 

Suddenly, the door closest to me started to glow. Curious, I walked toward it and opened it. Of course, I closed it. I then saw a house close by the river with trees around it. The house did look beautiful. So beautiful I bet that is something (Y/N) would love. 

Then I saw her... 

(Y/N)... She no longer wore the funkiest of clothing. Rather, she wore a nice dress with (f/c) all over it. For some reason, she looked prettier without all that makeup all over her face. Looked like she fell off a tree or something. Her eyes were covered by her hands. 

I can't believe it. Either i finally try to get her to love me or... 

"(Y/N)," I said. "It's been so long." 

No response. 

"Please talk to me." I walked closer to her, still thinking I've must have eaten something bad. 

Still no response. 

I touched her head, now realizing this is all real. So now is my chance. "So be it... 

"I'm turning you in... To Broly it is."

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