EJ: Bullied

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Useless. Fat. Gross. Hated. Ugly.

Their voices stuck taunting you inside your own head; you stand in front of your mirror picking at your skin. They were right; you couldn't stand the sigh of yourself. Your self-hatred boiled into anger, but quickly dissipated. It was replaced with a deep, heavy sadness. One that someone could only feel when they have truly lost all hope for being okay again.

"I just want to be beautiful..." You whisper, pinching and pulling at the skin on your stomach.

"You are." A sudden voice cuts through your daze, startling you. You whip around to see EJ leaning against the door frame, staring at you. You immediately wrap your arms around your stomach, trying to cover yourself as best you can.

"EJ what the-" You fall silent when he begins walking toward you, instinctively you begin backing up. His steps are considerably bigger than yours so he reaches you long before your back hits the wall. He reaches out and gently grabs your wrists, loosely holding them in his hands. Your breathing is shallow as you stare up at him; you stand in silence until he finally speaks quietly.

"You're beautiful, Y/n." his voice was so low and genuine; you felt your sadness screaming out to him, begging for his embrace. You couldn't breathe, like the air had been sucked from your lungs. Your bottom lip quivers slightly, and EJ notices. He reaches a hand up and gently places his thumb on your bottom lip, as if soothing its shaking panic.

"What's got you so upset?" He asks quietly, staring at you. It felt like an eternity before you found the will to speak.

"I..." You say quietly, something about his demeanor made you feel at home. You felt safe.

"There are these girls...I knew them in high school." You whisper, close to crying. It takes every bone in his body to not loose his shit, he worried you were being bullied and you just confirmed it.

"They say things EJ...awful things." You choke out the last word, tears finally spilling. EJ lets go of your wrist and wraps his arms around you. You bury your face in his chest crying quietly.

"Shhh..." He says, gently petting your hair. He quietly holds you for a bit, until he feels your crying slow.

"Y/n...Look at me." He says, and you look up at him again. He raises a hand to cup your chin gently, keeping you from looking away.

"You are beautiful, in so many ways. Your body is beautiful and human; your mind is beautiful and brilliant. You are so full of light, Y/n, nothing is worth loosing that. No one or their silly opinions are worth dimming you for a second. Listen to me when I say this. You are beautiful. "

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