Jeff: Abusive Ex

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Screaming, you shoot up from the bed. Drenched in sweat you try desperately to catch your breath, but to no avail you continued to shake like a leaf. Every night you had dreams of your Ex, Tyler. But these were no ordinary dreams; these were dreams of violence and fear. Tyler's abusive habits followed you long after you broke things off. Every night you dream of him leaving more bruises and scars, and every night you would wake up screaming. There was nothing left to do, it had been months and you still weren't getting better. Feeling hopeless, you began to sob. You curled yourself into a tight ball on your bed, sobbing violently into you knees. You cried harder than you had in a while, your body shook and began to get sore when suddenly the bed dips down. You raise your head up quickly; terrified you'd see Tyler sitting beside you. Instead, you saw Jeff. His carved up face looked sad, despite the permanent smile. He frowned at your quiet sniffles, and pulled you into him. His chin resting on your head, and his hands lightly dancing over your skin in an attempt to comfort you.

"Nightmare?" His cold and rough voice asks quietly and you cringe. There was no way in hell you could tell him about Tyler, he'd kill him and everyone even slightly related to him. You decided to respond with a small nod, and he sighed.

"I used to get 'em a lot too, after Liu died. You wanna talk about it?" He asked, and you shook your head no. You were undoubtedly surprised by his kindness; he was a killer for God's sake, but still you refused to let him know.

"Alright, well I'm here. Try and sleep, okay?" He said, knowing to not push the subject. Still cradling you, he covered you with a blanket and got comfortable. Soon your sleep deprived mind fell asleep in his arms, desperate for some sleep. Jeff felt your breathing slow and your muscles relax. Normally he would he happy, but little did you know Jeff already knew all about Tyler. He had watched you leave him, luckily before he got to him, and he watched you live through endless nights of torment because of Tyler.

"Im gonna fucking kill him." Jeff thought to himself, and God help the one who thought he was lying.

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