Chapter 3

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I wake up to a blinding light stretching all the way across my bed. My eyes adjust and my body sits up, stretching and loosening my muscles to begin my first day here in the city. Last night was a long night. I unpacked nearly every article of clothing I owned; I was in desperate need of a shopping trip, but that could wait until later today.

I also unpacked all of my toiletries, books, records, and even set up my vinyl record player so whenever I wanted to listen, it would be up and ready to play some of my favorite tunes. There is so much new technology out that plays and broadcasts music in so many different ways, but I've always stuck to my vinyl and have bought as many records as I can. I love the physical aspect of a record; being able to touch it, see it, and really hear the music it produces has always attracted me more than plugging an iPod into a stereo.

I glanced at the clock I set up before I dosed off, it read 10:07 a.m.

10 in the morning?! Already? I quickly hop off my bed, grab my towel, and head into the bathroom.

Once I am done showering, I soak all the excess water up from my hair and then wrap the towel around my body. I walk out of the bathroom and go to my closet.

The only things I really plan on doing today is get all of the things I lack in this apartment, which means food and few more outfits for work. I start work this next week. With it being Thursday, I have a good four days to prepare myself. 

I settle on wearing acid wash skinny jeans, navy blue Toms, and a white flowy thin-strap tank top. I quickly throw my clothes on and return back to the bathroom. 

I brush my hair and then run my fingers through it, making it look a bit messier than it had before so I don't look too aweful leaving the building. Once I applied lip gloss to my lips and mascara to my eyelashes, I grabbed my sunglasses, bag, and headed out my door.

I exited the main entrance of the building and stopped and took in my surroundings. The sound of the city was overwhelmingly loud, and very intimidating. There were people crossing streets at all times, and cars moving in the streets at all times. How on earth were there not more accidents in this city?

I began walking down the street, trying to familiarize myself with the shops, restaurants, and street signs so I knew where to return to.

I didn't get very far until my stomach started growling. I really needed to get food.

I walked down one more block from my apartment structure to see a little café sat on the corner of the street. Coffee and a muffin sounded really good right about now. 

The café seemed quite small and cosy from the outside, but once I entered the building I was caught off guard. The room was giant. On the left wall there was a large bar area; half of it was covered in baked sweets and breakfast sandwiches, and the other half was for sitting and ordering drinks. At the front of the café there were dozens of little coffee tables with large reading chairs sat infront of them for lounging. In the back there was a large stage with dozens of wooden tables set up infront of it. It sure was quite the restaurant. 

It was also very noisy in here. Laughter, and boisterous conversations could be heard all around. I love it.

I walked up to the counter to place my order.

"Goodmornin' darlin', and what will you be having on this fine day?" An older lady asked with a sweet smile.

"Goodmorning to you too, I'd like to have a coffee with room for cream, and one of those delicious looking beluberry muffins please." I replied sweetly.

"Great choice honey, those muffins are to die for." She said with a huge smile. 

"That sounds perfect. I'm in the mood for something tastey" I said, my mood getting happier, spreading from the cheery woman working in front of me. Why can't all workers be this nice?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2013 ⏰

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